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Dream of: 05 April 1989 "Deteriorating Neighborhood"

I had moved to Portsmouth into the house on Seventh Street where my great-aunt Goldie used to live, on the east side of the Ressinger House. Herrera and Boley (a man and woman with whom I had attended law school, who later married and worked as attorneys in Dallas) had moved into the house on the west side of the Ressinger House. I was standing in front of the houses talking with Boley and a couple other women, and they were commenting upon the deterioration of the neighborhood, which apparently had quite a bit of crime. I told them not to worry about it. I thought someone whom I could trust lived on the other side of me, and at least that person, along with Herrera, Boley, and me, formed our own little community there and we could help each other.

As I spoke, I slightly touched Boley a couple times with my hand, once on her leg and once on her arm. Touching her felt so good, it was almost electrifying, and I thought about how I would like to have sex with her. Although I knew she was married to Herrera, I thought it still might be able to be arranged. I was very excited by the idea.

Finally I asked one of the women about Conn (a former female high school classmate). The woman seemed to think that Conn had some kind of disease and that she might not live long. I asked the woman about Kirk (another former female high school classmate), but no one seemed to know what ever happened to Kirk.

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