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Dream of: 09 March 1989 "INS Interview"

Paz and I were at an office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, where Paz was being questioned about how long she had been in the United States. After an initial interview with an INS official, Paz was told she would have to leave the United States for a year, and then return. I became quite upset at such a thought, and began talking with the official, but I seemed unable to change his mind and I became dejected at the thought that I might not be able to help Paz out of this. I began trying to think of some other way to avoid what the official had said.

Part of the problem seemed to be that the official didn't believe Paz had been in the United States as long as she said she had. I considered whether it might be advisable for her to take a lie detector test. As I was talking with Paz, I noticed a couple other INS officials observing us, and I thought they were spying on us to see Paz's reactions to how I talked with her. I told Paz to come with me to another place where we could talk in private.

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