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Dream of: 22 August 1987 (2) "Indian Drums"

I was walking through the aisles of a rather large grocery store. I seemed to have been here before and I seem to remember a magazine rack somewhere around here. I spotted it. It was supplied with many magazines, including copies of Playboy and Penthouse. I picked up a copy of Penthouse and leafed through it. It seemed as if I had seen this copy once before.

I saw a photo section of a nude woman standing up in a bed and undressing. I leafed through this section, going toward the front of the book. With each page the woman had on fewer clothes. The photos also showed she was in a room with six or seven other women who were also each in large beds and who were wearing fewer clothes with each page. It seemed that the place where the women were being photographed belonged to one man and that all the women belonged to him. In the last photo all the women were completely nude and appeared to all be lying together in assorted positions in one large bed.

I put the magazine back on the shelf and started to walk away. Then I stopped, turned around, went back and picked up a copy of Playboy. I turned immediately to the middle and discover the centerfold missing. I put that copy back on the shelf and picked up another copy. I turned to the centerfold and opened it. There was a large photo of a beautiful, nude, dark-haired woman standing in a room. The photo had been taken of her side, with her head turned toward the camera. It looked as if she was holding a book or some papers and perhaps a pencil or pen. She was wearing glasses. It appeared she might be supposed to depict a nude teacher.

I began fantasize about this teacher having a sexual affair with one of her young high school students.

I was ready to put the magazine back. I took another look at the photo and noticed how unusually small the woman's breasts were for Playboy. The breasts even seemed a bit out of place, too low down on her chest. It was rather unappealing.

I walked away and then noticed a stack of new magazines which hadn't yet been put on the shelf. There were some copies of the newest Penthouse. I picked one up and glanced through it quickly. I put it down and walked on.


Outside, I got into a white car driven by my second cousin Jeff. The car was a big old car probably from the 1940s, but it seemed to be in very good condition.

As Jeff started to leave, it looked as if he were going to hit the side of a building in front. I hollered out and he just barely bumped the building. He backed up and it looked as if he were going to hit another small brick building in the rear. I hollered again! He barely bumped into the building behind, but after he hit it, instead of putting the car back into forward gear, he continued in reverse pushing against the building. I was worried. It looked as if he were trying to push down this wall, which was rather high and just might fall down on the car.

I jumped from the car. Jeff continued pushing for a bit and indeed did dislodge a brick or two. Then he pulled back up. He stopped the car and his father, my great uncle  Ray, walked out of a building toward the car. It quickly became evident that Ray was the owner of the car. It also became evident that Ray had tended to dominate Jeff very much during Jeff's life and that the domination had been much of the cause of Jeff's recklessness.

I walked over to the car. I was carrying the side door to the car which had come off. I tried to put the door back on. It was rather easy. There were two metal bolts on the door which slid into holes on the side of the car. It was no problem.


Jeff had gotten out of the car. We seemed to be Seem to be near Patriot. I listened and thought I heard Indian drums. I looked and not far away I saw some people dancing under a large tree. I thought they might be boy scouts or some kind of camping group. Some people were running and diving into a pool.


I was lying on a couch, writing down some notes, rethinking previous events. It had been revealed that someone had drowned in the pool into which the people had been diving and that someone was insisting that manslaughter charges be filed against one fellow because of the drowning. A television was in front of the couch which seemed to have some information about the event.

A woman walked up and wanted to lie here on the couch. I made room for her. I felt close to her and I liked having her here.

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