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Dream of: 25 December 1986 "Black Brother"

I had gone to visit Walls at his home. We had begun playing cards and we finally decided to play a game for money where it seemed that about $100 was going to be involved. We both exchanged some money for some cards which actually looked like French money.

As we played and we both began laying down our cards one by one, I realized I could tell what kind of cards Walls had by looking at their size. But it wasn't entirely clear to me just how many he had because he held them closely together. But I still thought I was going to have enough to beat him. Finally, we laid down all our cards at once, I had won and Walls began counting out the money to me.

I wasn't really that interested in taking Walls' money. I knew he probably needed it and I finally told him to just give me the money I had originally had and keep the rest. I remembered sometimes in the past I had gone to Walls' and he had given me some marijuana to smoke without charging me for it. I didn't want to repay him now by taking his money.

As we walked into a small office which had recently been built near the front of Walls' house and he continued counting out the money to me, a taxi pulled up for me. I told Walls I was in a hurry and he finished. I quickly jumped into the front seat of the taxi and it pulled off.

In the back seat behind the driver was a black boy (about 15 years old) who was my brother whom my parents had adopted. Sitting next to my brother in the back seat was a black girl (about the same age). The driver was a black man about my age. My brother rarely saw me out in public like this and he seemed a bit embarrassed. I commented about the girl and I playfully hinted that I might take her away from him and that she could sit in the front seat. But then the driver suggested that he might do the same thing, and even called the girl by her name which sounded like "Bert." Clearly the driver knew the girl and would probably have a better chance with her than I.

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