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Dream of: 29 August 1986 "Serving Satan"

I strolled down a city street looking for a certain building. When I reached the building, I stepped inside. A bank had previously been in the building, but the bank had moved out and now all the offices were empty. Almost immediately after I had entered the lobby, a large metallic machine which was operating fell on top of me and pressed me to the ground. I tried and tried to slide out from under it, but I was unsuccessful. Finally, however, I was able to pull myself out from under the machine, and I stood up. I was amazed. I did not know where the machine had come from or how it had fallen on top of me.

I had some noble intention of saving someone somewhere in the building. I began walking, but soon I heard someone's footsteps, and I began trying to hide. I walked into a room from which I could see shadows of a man passing by in the hallway. I thought whoever was producing the shadows was going to find me, and I decided to attack him before he discovered me. I jumped toward him and suddenly encountered two men in front of me.

I was ready to fight them. I had my red-handled razor-knife which I used for cutting out pictures and I was going to use the knife against the men. I suddenly realized, however, that the men were definitely much stronger than I. Plus I began to think that I was the one actually trespassing and that they had caught me.

I began trying to escape, but then I turned again toward the men with my knife. One also had a razor-like knife. He said, "You want to fight? I'm hypnotically desensitized. I can't feel anything."

We began fighting. At one point I held both men and I tried to stack them on top of each other, but they easily escaped me and soon gained the upper hand. Each time I tried to escape they blocked me. They began talking about subduing me. They talked as if I were the evil one. They seemed so powerful and the more they talked the more doubts I began to have about myself. They said something about my serving Satan. It began to appear that they were working on the side of good and that I was working on the side of evil. I began to reflect that they might possibly be correct. That possibility was very disturbing to me.

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