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Dream of: 12 July 1986 "Mr. Klut"

While in Puerto Rico, I ran into my old law school classmate, Haim Habib. I learned he had failed the bar exam every time he had taken it (I estimated he had probably taken it three times although I didn't ask him) and that he was planning to take the exam again in Puerto Rico. He had become quite despondent. He seemed much less haughty than he used to be and was more humble.

He had two children with him. I asked him where his wife was. He said she was living on a farm in upstate New York. Apparently, she had been making life rather difficult for him since he had failed the exam.

I wasn't presently practicing law and had merely gone to Puerto Rico to live for a while. However, I thought about the possibility of hiring Haim to work for me. He had gone through law school and did have some legal experience. Perhaps we could work together in Puerto Rico.

Some other people with whom I had attended law school had also failed the exam and were here to retake it. One of them was Beto. Although I didn't see her, Mary Biester (a Dallas attorney) was also there. She hadn't gone to school with us. But she was likewise going to take the exam, although I was unsure she had ever taken it before.

Haim and three others gathered together in a room to study for the exam. But I saw that they weren't studying at all. They were just standing around talking. They didn't have any law books or any books designed to study for the bar exam. That might be why they had failed the exam—they didn't even bother to study for it. Apparently, they felt they had studied so much that they just couldn't study anymore.

One fellow in the room said he was 49 years old and was becoming quite worried about passing the exam. I myself felt quite good because I had passed the exam and I didn't have to worry about it any more.

I asked them when they would have the results back from the exam. They said they hoped they would be back the following Thursday—in about a week. They would have to live in apprehension for that week. I thought after the results came back they should contact each other to learn who had passed and who hadn't.

I wondered if there was anything I could do to help the four fellows prepare for the exam. One thing they needed to know was that when they were faced with a multiple choice question on the exam, if they didn't know the answer, they should first eliminate any answers which they thought were incorrect. But I thought surely they already knew that.

Finally, the day for the exam came and the four fellows walked into a large, carpeted exam room. I accompanied them. They went into the far left corner of the room looking out from the front. Mary Biester wasn't yet here.

In the front was a man on a podium. As I passed him he gave me some material in envelopes and told me to hold on to it. I took it and then walked back to sit with the others. But I became somewhat confused and handed out the material the man had given me to each of the four.

On the front of the envelopes it clearly said that they weren't supposed to be opened. However one of the fellows opened the envelope I had given him, although he apparently didn't read the contents. I took the envelope and the material which had been inside from him and walked out into the hall to try to put it back inside.

A number of people were gathered in the hall. I saw my old friend Steve Weinstein there. I wasn't wearing any shoes and I pointed out my bare feet to Weinstein. My right small toe was black—apparently with some dirt on it. Weinstein just looked at me, shook his head and walked away.

My mother was also in the hall. She seemed concerned when she saw that I was barefoot. But I thought that even without shoes I was much better off than those poor souls who hadn't passed the bar exam. Besides, I had wanted before to go without shoes around this place. Now I finally had my opportunity.

I had some plastic boxes in which to put the material which the man had given me. In the hall I found two decks of playing cards. I thought they belonged in the plastic boxes and tried to put the cards in the boxes.

The man at the podium announced it was time for everyone not taking the exam to leave. I walked back into the room, gathered together some personal belongings which I had left there and carried them back out into the hall. I then went back into the room for a second load. But somehow I had mixed some of my personal belongings with some of the exam materials and had carried the exam materials out into the hall also. The man at the podium called out to me and said, "Mr. Klut."

Some people in the room who knew me giggled when they heard the man call me that. I said, "I'll be right back in. I've got some of it out here in the hall."

He looked astounded that I had taken some of the exam materials into the hall. I walked into the hall and quickly began gathering together the exam material. There were about six plastic boxes which I had to take back into the exam room. I also began gathering together some envelopes which I needed to return to the classroom.

As the test began Haim's wife, Susan, appeared. I wanted to talk with her but she left. Somebody said it looked as if something was going on between her and me. But I simply enjoyed her company.

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