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Dream of: 04 April 1986 "Lost Dreams"

I was traveling in Europe. I had my green backpack and I had also taken four notebooks of my dreams with me. Two notebooks contained some of my earlier dreams and two contained more recent dreams. When I looked for my two earlier notebooks I could not find them and I I concluded that I must have misplaced them somewhere.

I found myself in a city which was experiencing political problems. I walked into a department store and descended to the basement where there appeared to be a clothing department. I began unpacking my backpack onto a round table and pulled out two shirts and a blue sheet which I had had for several years.

Suddenly, the phone rang, I picked up the receiver and a man with a crisp, American accent told me he had my backpack. Apparently, he had stolen it while I had not been looking and now he wanted to know what it was worth to me to have it back. I was unsure I wanted to buy it back. He mentioned some exorbitant price and I told him that I was just a poor fellow and that I could not afford it.

However, what did concern me was whether my dream notebooks were in the backpack. The idea of losing those dreams was frightening because I did not have any copies of the dreams in those notebooks. I asked him if he would check to see if the notebooks were in the backpack.

I asked him something else about the backpack, but he said he was unsure. He said he had stolen so many backpacks that he could not keep track of all of them. Apparently, he had been in Europe a long time stealing backpacks. He had found it easy to go to places where people left their backpacks and steal them. He said he would check about my notebooks and call me back. I hung up.

I noticed other people standing nearby, among whom was Bobby Nichols (a Portsmouth acquaintance). He was in his early 20s. He was standing near some clothes racks talking to some people about someone having stolen something of his. I hollered to him and asked what they had stolen. He said they had taken some kind of belt he had and his backpack. I said, "Well, maybe it's the same guy that stole my backpack. He's going to call back in a minute. When he calls back, I'll ask him."

Suddenly, one of the fellows standing with Nichols turned around and began walking toward me. It was Bonnie’s husband, Vernon Johnson. However, I thought his name was “Gordon.” He walked up to me and stood right in my face. He seemed rather large and had a beard. We were both wearing blue pin striped suits. I was surprised he had walked up to me like that, but apparently, he wanted to speak to me about something dealing with Bonnie. He spoke for a few minutes, but I acted as if I did not want to talk with him. I did not want him around me and finally he walked away. Then I reflected and motioned him back. I thought it would be better to finish the discussion now since we were both there.

He spoke again. As he spoke, I had the impression Bonnie had expressed to him that she still had some lingering feelings for me. Vernon was quite upset about that fact.

I looked at his face and tried to see what it was that Bonnie saw in him. I had always thought he was an unattractive person; but he did not look as bad up close as he did from a distance.

He said he wanted to get something straight between me and him concerning Bonnie. Apparently, he still thought something was still between Bonnie and me. I did not mind talking with him, but his manner was unbecoming. He was abrasive, aggressive, quite emotional, and he did not seem to be rational. He began acting as if he wanted to fight with me. He actually touched me and I thought, "If he touches me again I'm going to do something about it."

He said something about biting my finger, raised his hand, put one of his fingers in front of my eye, and touched my eyelash with it. I thought to myself, "Well, he's touched me. That's an assault."

I grabbed his finger, bent it back, and pulled him off balance causing him to fall down. He began to struggle, and we wrestled on the floor. We bumped into some clothes racks and then rolled under a table. Vernon grabbed my right index finger and tried to bite it. I had to try to keep it out of his mouth.

Although he was much larger than I, he seemed like a weak person. I thought I could probably easily defeat him in a fight. I held him and asked him if he wanted me to let him go. He said, "No."

I began banging his head against the table. Finally, I held his head against the table and said, "Look, I want to let go. I don't want to be arrested for disorderly conduct."

Some police officers had shown up and were crawling on their backs under the clothes racks trying to get to us. They were obviously agitated and one of them had his gun pulled out.

I looked at Vernon and said, "I'm going to let you go, Gordon."

After I had released him, the police immediately grabbed him and handcuffed him. I just lay on the ground on my back and the police did not bother me. I said, "He assaulted me officers."

They seemed to think that he was the one who had caused the problem. I thought it was rather unseemly for two lawyers to be wrestling around in a department store like that. I asked, "Are we under arrest?"

One of them replied, "No. This is just a watch."

Apparently, they only wanted to watch us for a few minutes to make sure we did not do anything else."

I stood up, unbuttoned my top shirt button, and pulled my tie out from under my collar so that it was on the outside of my collar. I began walking down the aisle of the store and the police brought Vernon along behind me. He was still lamenting my continuing relationship with Bonnie. I tried to explain to him that there was nothing between Bonnie and me anymore. I told him that he should not be trying to do anything to influence my life and that he and Bonnie were completely out of my life.

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