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Dream of: 02 February 1986 "Zoo-Keeper"

I called up my dentist's office and when the dentist himself answered the phone, I was surprised he had been so easy to reach. He was friendly when I spoke with him about some medical matters. I asked him many questions and he never tried to stop me or cut me off. Finally, I realized I should pay him something for all the advice he had given me, and when I was finished I said, "Well Doctor, you have my address don't you?"

He said, "Yes, you'll be receiving my bill," and hung up.

A little later my father told me he was going to drive out to see the dentist and he wanted to know if I would like to accompany him. I told him I would and I boarded his car with him. We headed east from Dallas for about an hour, until I finally said, "I wish he was closer to Dallas than he is."

At last we pulled off the interstate onto a side road. To my right I thought I saw a fawn standing on small bridge over a creek and I said, "Look. There's a fawn."

The bottom of the animal was brown and it had a dark back. Looking closer, I concluded the animal was actually a German Shepherd dog. My father and I both watched as it crossed to the other side of the creek. Finally, we concluded that the animal was actually a kangaroo.

We then looked to the left side of the road and saw a number of brown kangaroos hopping around in a fenced-in field. I also noticed a white tiger in the field. The tiger was holding onto a white baboon. Although the tiger and baboon appeared to be playing, the baboon looked as if it actually did want to escape from the tiger, but the tiger was holding it too tightly. Since the tiger was in the same field with the kangaroos and the baboon, I wondered if its teeth had been extracted so it would not be able to hurt any of the other animals.

I saw another field with some large, fat, brown bulls in it which appeared to be well-cared for.

We passed a building on our left which had windows which made the building look like a store, but was actually a school house. Through the windows I could see book shelves around the walls inside. About 30-40 students were in the room. I realized the function of the school was to train zoo-keepers. It was located out in the country so the animals could have room to live and the students could learn how to feed and care for them.

I realized we were now somewhere in Ohio, probably in Scioto County. I thought there were also other small, private schools that were located out in the country in this county. I thought the setting was nice for a small, private school.

Apparently, my father thought the doctor's office was also in this area because he slowed down and pulled up to ask someone for directions. That person told us to pull up next to the school. My father turned the car around, drove back to the school and pulled up beside it. He stopped the car and we both got out.

My father pulled a baby carriage out of the car and I then realized my brother Chris was also with us. We put Chris in the baby carriage and began pushing him around. Quite a few students were milling about the area.

My father decided he wanted to show Chris some animals kept there by the school. We saw some special baby carts which apparently were for rent. We learned that the carts cost $5 apiece to rent. My father wanted to rent one and he spoke about it with a man wearing a suit. The man was overweight and acted authoritative. I immediately didn't like him. The man told my father he would have to sign an affidavit before he could rent a cart, but the man didn't have an affidavit himself and he told my father he would need to go and find one. I stepped up and asked, "Well why is he going to have to sign an affidavit?"

The man replied, "It's required by the law."

I pulled out some kind of receipt I had and said, "Well he can sign on the back of this paper."

The man said, "No. He's going to have to go fill out an actual type-written affidavit. That's the law."

I said, "I'm a lawyer and that's not the law. That's ridiculous."

But he was adamant in insisting that my father find a special paper to sign. After my father quickly walked to another location, he was able to find one of the papers and he came right back. He signed it and was given one of the special baby carts to put Chris in.

I began thinking I was wasting quite a bit of time there. I recalled that I had recently made some flash cards with foreign words on them which I wanted to learn; I wished I had brought them with me. I could have been learning new words and not completely wasting my time. But suddenly I remembered I had a small Spanish-French dictionary in the car. I could get it and learn some words from it while we were walking around there. I walked back to the car to fetch it. I picked up the book from the car and noticed how worn it was from all the use I had given it.

I walked back to where my father was; a black-haired oriental girl was standing nearby whom I found attractive. I was uncertain whether she was a student or a teacher. She saw my dictionary, walked over to me and said that she spoke both French and Spanish. Plus she obviously spoke some oriental language.

I was attracted to her but I thought, "Well since she's just a person that studies animals, taking care of these animals here at the zoo, she might not be that intelligent."

But I still thought we might be able to establish some kind of relationship with each other.

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