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Dream of: 02 January 1986 "Parking Lot Attendant"

I was holding down three different jobs as a parking lot attendant in downtown Dallas. On this particular day I had been working for my mother, my employer for one of the jobs. In the left shirt pocket of my red-checkered cowboy shirt, I had stuck two $500 bills which my mother had given me to deposit in the bank. I had also stuck in my pocket another $500 from one of my other jobs.

On this day while I was parking cars on my mother's parking lot, people—mostly black—attempted to mug me three different times and I fought them off each time. I stabbed one person with a knife and seriously wounded him. I beat another fellow to a virtual pulp.

As the day proceeded, I became concerned that more muggings might be attempted. Normally I didn't carry so much money on me, but today neither my mother nor I had had any checks.

I was on the ground floor parking lot of a parking building. At the end of the day only a few cars were left in the lot. My mother walked across the lot and I walked over to her, put my arm around her waist and began walking with her. I told her I was going to get a car and she walked on out of the parking lot.

I walked to the car, an older model Cadillac with large fins on the back. Just as I reached it, two black fellows grabbed me and jumped on top of me. I was able to twist around so that I pushed one fellow into the fin of the car, impaling him. When let go of me, I knocked the other fellow away.

During the struggle I noticed a man who was supposed to be a guard sitting in a chair in front of my car. He didn't make a move to help. I looked at him and sarcastically said I was going to talk to someone about him to make sure he got a recommendation.

I tried to get my keys out to open the car door and I tried to retrieve a suitcase lying on the car. But the black guy whom I had knocked down had recovered and was reaching for something which might be a gun. I said, "Oh no. Please. Not a gun."

I hoped I could get into the car and pull away before he could reach it.

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