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Dream of: 16 December 1985 "Returning The Dog"

I had been staying with my mother and my sister. They had earlier gone to a dog pound and adopted a medium-sized, unfriendly dog with longish, white hair. Every night the dog would run away and come back dirty the next day. My mother and my sister couldn't seem to control it. Finally my sister returned to the pound and told the people there she was going to give the dog back.

I learned a certain woman had been the former owner of the dog and I rode out into the country to the woman's house. I found the woman and began talking to her about the dog. I asked her why she had given the dog up and learned she had had the same problem with the dog's running away.

I told the woman that when my mother and my sister had gone to the pound they had only been shown a small selection of dogs from which to choose, whereas I, once during a visit to the pound, had been shown two large rooms which each contained about 100 dogs. I had seen some beautiful dogs and had even been tempted to get one myself. A Dalmatian there had especially attracted me since I had once owned a Dalmatian.

The woman was lying on a bed. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her; I was merely being friendly and not affectionate. Apparently she was married and she quickly pushed my arm off. She also shoved me close to the bed's edge so I was just hanging on.

But she didn't tell me to leave and we continued talking about the dog. She mentioned the breed of the dog but could not remember its specific name. I asked if it was a Schnauzer and she said it was. She said the dog was sometimes playful and I envisioned it as being so at times. Nevertheless the dog just didn't seem to like my family. It seemed to be using my family's home as some place to stay; but my family didn't feel any love from the dog. So I explained that my family had decided to surrender the dog.

Apparently she already knew that because the pound had called and told her my sister had returned the dog. I told her I had simply come to talk to her as a courtesy. But I realized I was wasting time at this point because it didn't really matter to her what happened to the dog.

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