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Dream of: 22 March 1985 "Throwing Eggs"

As I walked out the front door of a high school, I looked on the ground and saw what appeared to be several white balls. Suddenly something hit me on the head. I realized that an egg had fallen on me and that egg shells (not white balls) were actually lying on the ground.

I looked up and saw that on about the sixth floor of the building some children were throwing eggs out of the window at people leaving the high school. One boy in particular caught my attention. He was wearing a yellow cut-off sweater with a white shirt under it.

I noted what floor it appeared that they were on, ran back inside and jumped onto an elevator. Another youngster who likewise had apparently been hit by an egg boarded the elevator with me. At first I thought the elevator was only going to go up as far as the fifth floor, but finally we made it to the sixth floor.

I got off the elevator and tore off a checkered shirt I was wearing. That left me only wearing a pair of white shorts. I raced into the room where I thought the culprits were. I found the room full of students. Several students were over by the window and the one boy wearing the yellow sweater was there. I ran over to him, grabbed him and punched him in the face. The rest of the students watched. I turned to them and said, "Anybody else who was throwing eggs, I want them to stand up and raise their hand."

Several people raised their hand. I told them to stand up and go stand next to the wall. Many started standing by the walls. They continued to stand and go to the walls until actually hundreds of children were crowded against the walls. I realized I couldn't deal with them all.

I noticed as I stood in front of them in my white shorts that my stomach was bulging somewhat. I pulled it in so I wouldn't look fat.

I decided the best thing would be to simply ask them questions as to why they were doing what they were doing. I wanted to know if they thought throwing eggs was good. I asked them if they thought by doing something like that to hurt people whether they thought it would hinder their ability to later help people.

Several people who were standing raised their hands to answer the question. I pointed to one black girl for an answer. She answered. Others then gave answers. Several people were still seated. I then pointed to some of them and they likewise gave answers.

I walked over to the boy who had ridden up with me on the elevator and told him to run down and get the principal. I thought I would let the principal handle the situation. I meanwhile continued asking questions and they continued answering. There was no real feeling of hostility between us. I was merely trying to point out that they had been wrong. Some of them tried to defend themselves.

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