Dream of: 12 February 1985 "A Devilish Angel"


I walked into a school building and boarded the elevator to go to a class on the fourth floor. Another fellow about my height and age also boarded the elevator, apparently headed to the same class. The elevator moved up, but before reaching the fourth floor, the elevator seemed to start moving back down. Since I could see some light through the doors of the elevator, I knew we had not descended all the way to the basement.

It was about 8:10 a.m. I knew we were late and I did not want to go into the classroom late. Besides, I had other problems: I noticed some cow manure on my pants from when I had been out on a farm. When I also noticed some toothpaste which I had spilled onto my pants, I decided I was simply going to skip class.

Suddenly, however, the doors to the elevator opened and I found myself in the classroom. I had no choice but to sit down. The other fellow on the elevator sat down in front of me. All the students had small notebooks on their desks and seemed to be translating something out of the notebooks, perhaps from Latin. I also had a notebook on my desk with writing in it.

I gradually realized that the students were not translating anything, but were talking about dreams which they had written. I began looking at a dream which I had written in my notebook. My writing appeared somewhat scrawled and almost looked as if it were written in Latin with an English translation above the Latin writing. Actually, however, the writing simply contained corrections which I had made of the dream as I had originally written it.

I had several dreams in the notebook and I had given them titles. I began reading one particular dream, which had a title and which seemed to contain copious Latin mythology. The dream involved a fellow who had been drug down by a tentacle which had grabbed his ankle. Remembering my Latin mythology, I thought the dream had had something to do with Aeneas being taken to the underworld, but it also reminded me of Achilles, because the fellow had been grabbed by the ankle. The scene caused red-hued thoughts of Dante's Inferno.

The fellow in front of me turned around, looked at me rather devilishly and said, "Do I remind you of an angel?"

I said, "You could."

Commentary of 20 April 2019

Whether actual angels actually appear in dreams seems to be part of the major controversy involving the nature of dreams: do dreams originate solely from the human mind or from some source outside the human mind? 

Dream Commentary 2012?

I tend to think of Dante as I think Dante thought of Virgil and in a way Dante reminds me of an angel. Unfortunately he drags me down with his belief in eternal hell, something in which I do not believe. My reasoning is fairly simple. Only an evil God would create an eternal hell; evil men believe in evil Gods; Dante believes in an evil God. Therefore, Dante is evil.

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