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Dream of: 28 May 1984 "European Law Practice"

Louise and I were living together; we had been arguing some and having difficulties. It was close to the first of June when I was supposed to receive a large bonus from work. I knew I would have enough money so that if I wanted to, I could leave and go to Europe. I could just leave Louise. Since we weren't getting along, I might indeed do that; I gave it considerable thought. I didn't want to leave her, but I thought she might come to Europe after I had gone.

I sat down and thought about it for a long time because I knew it would be a heart-wrenching experience for me to leave her behind, right after we had married. I was unsure she would come after I was there. And I was uncertain I would be able to stay there without her. I just didn't know. It would be extremely painful to be without her. I was afraid once I arrived there, I would be unable to endure without her. If I then turned around and returned, I didn't know if she would still have me. So I gave it long consideration whether to go.

I might perhaps quickly meet another woman who would take Louise off my mind; but that was going to be difficult because I really didn't want to meet another woman. The only person I would really want was Louise.

As I sat here thinking about it, I actually found myself in Europe, in the Netherlands. I tried to think of what I was going to do now that I was actually here. I seemed to be in the plaza of a large city. Some lawyers were gathered around sitting on some chairs and appeared to be having a trial. Most seemed quite young and were dressed in military uniforms. I thought, "What do they think if an old man, who had been in like the second world war was just drunk and falling around there in the plaza. Would they scorn him?"

I didn't think they would scorn him, because they would realize those old men had been through so much in their lives.

The lawyers were dealing with the estate of someone who had died. One lawyer said that in the cases of small estates, debts to the estate are handled differently than in the case of the present estate. Apparently the estate in question was quite large and there was quite a bit of debt to the estate. The lawyer talked about how the debt to the estate had to be paid immediately.

As I listened, I saw a large billboard by the plaza. It displayed large letters – some said "10.40 %" and "FDIC." I inferred that money owed to the state was paid to an FDIC fund similar to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the United States. But it was still quite different. The money paid into the fund earned interest. Thus a person who owed money to the state could receive money back as interest for money he paid.

I began thinking of all the law I had learned in the United States and how it wouldn't be applicable in Europe. I thought most of what I had learned would carry over in one form or another, so I would still be able to practice law in Europe.

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