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Dream of: 21 October 1982 "Loving the Flute Teacher"

Somewhere in southern Ohio, I had gone to a class, (which had been conducted before) in a gym where people were sitting on folding chairs. The person conducting the class was taking attendance. When I looked around, I was surprised by how many people had shown up; practically the whole gym was full.

A platform for a stage had been built in the front. Five or six black fellows walked onto the stage, put their arms on each others' shoulders and did what appeared to be a Russian dance. Someone else then did a little routine. Finally, a small boy, who also planned to do a Russian dance, walked onto the stage. He was wearing roller skates and what appeared to be a white football helmet which had wings sticking out both sides. He began doing the dance, but sat back down after he made mistakes.

The meeting finally ended and people began leaving. When I had first arrived, I had carried in a couple blankets, which I had put in the back of the room under some chairs. I went back to look for the blankets and under a chair I saw a couple dollars which appeared to have fallen from a woman's purse. I thought the woman was still sitting with her purse nearby, but I was unsure. I said nothing to anyone; I thought I might return later for the money if it was still there, even though I figured other people sitting nearby had probably already seen it.

A woman (about 20 years old) wearing a red top and what appeared to be blue jeans walked up to me. She began trying to put her arms around me, but I did not want to be with her and I basically told her to get away. I finally found my blankets and gathered them up.

I thought Carolyn Counts  (a woman whom I met in Chillicothe, Ohio and dated for several months in 1980) was somewhere here. I had not seen her for a long time and I wanted to talk to her to find out how she had been. I rather wanted to know if she had a boyfriend; I would tell her I had a girlfriend. Unfortunately, I did not think she wanted to talk with me. I looked around for her, but I could not find her anywhere.

I walked outside and began walking along the street, which was in a residential area of a town which reminded me of Chillicothe. I noticed large trees. When I looked toward the corner of the street and saw Bonnie sitting in her car looking in the other direction, I realized I had actually been looking for Bonnie inside, and not Carolyn. Since I was carrying the heavy blankets, I thought perhaps Bonnie could give me a ride and I hollered, "Bonnie."

After Bonnie turned and saw me, she drove down in front of me and pulled up. She stepped out of her car and walked over to me; we began talking. I asked her why she did not want to see me and she answered, "Because you love that other girl."

She was referring to Robin Hartsfield (my flute teacher for a few lessons in 1975 in Athens, Ohio). I replied to Bonnie, "I don't love that other girl. I don't love that other girl. I don't."

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