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Dream of: 07 February 1982 "Practice Court"

I had been talking to professor McSwain at the Baylor Law School. McSwain had made an appointment for me to go upstairs at 11:45 and talk to a man named Mr. Turk. Mr. Turk was located on the third floor in either room 18-19 of the faculty section of the building. The subject was going to be whether I was going to be able to continue in law school. There seemed to be some problem about my remaining which I needed to discuss with Mr. Turk. I told McSwain I would go.

Although I already had another appointment at 11:45 to talk with another professor, I decided to talk with Mr. Turk first. At 11:45 I went up. As I walked by the lawyers' lounge on the second floor, I noticed a practice court session supervised by Dawson (the practice court professor) taking place there. Part of the room had a glass wall along one side. Dawson was sitting inside. Apparently, he hadn't wanted to be disturbed by anyone passing the glass wall and had draped a purple mop over his head so he wouldn't be able to see people as they passed.

I walked to the third floor to the end of the hall where the last room was number seventeen. I walked into a large room and looked for room 18 or 19; but I couldn't find either. As I turned to leave, a secretary walked in; I asked her if she knew where Mr. Turk's office was. A man sitting at a desk right behind me suddenly said, "I'm Mr. Turk."

A woman was sitting with him at the desk. I turned to him and said, "Oh, well, uh, did you know I had an ... My name's Steve Collier and I had an appointment with you at 11:45."

He replied, "Well, I don't have it here on my list."

He showed me a list. Absolutely nothing was written on his schedule for the entire day. I said, "Well, Dean McSwain made it."

Turk told me he was busy at the moment. He said he would soon be going to lunch and that he would meet with me after lunch. I said, "Well, one o'clock will be fine?"

We agreed to meet at one o'clock and I walked back down to the second floor. I decided to go into the lawyers' lounge for a while and watch the practice court session. I walked in, sat down next to Dawson (who still had the purple mop on his head) and began working on something of my own.

The practice court participants were talking about a train which had wrecked into a car. One law student stood and began questioning the witness. When the student had finished his questions, he sat back down and another law student rose to question the witness. On a slanted desk right in front of me was a paper on which Dawson was giving marks for the students' performances. I glanced at what he had written; he had given one person an "A."

The next person stood up. He walked to the side of the room and crouched on his knees, apparently as if he were at a railroad crossing. Then he jumped like a frog toward the jury. He grabbed his tie as if he were choking himself. Then he jumped back over to where the train wreck was supposed to have occurred. I didn't think he was doing a superlative job; but Dawson had given him a high "A" when the student had finished.

On a board in the room was what appeared to be a large picture made of wood which seemed to have on it the names of different people who were in practice court. Also on the board was a Puerto Rican flag next to an American flag. On Dawson's list I also noticed the name "Mrs. Hodges"; I thought Mrs. Hodges was Puerto Rican and that the Puerto Rican flag was for her. Dawson had written comments by some of the names. Beside Mrs. Hodges name he had written, "You'll have to try much harder."

Suddenly, Dawson pointed up to the light and said, "Light."

I thought he wanted me to turn it on; I asked him if that was what he wanted me. He said no. I then realized he wanted a light for his cigarette. I told him I didn't have a light. I turned to a fellow sitting on a couch to my left and made a motion as if flicking a cigarette lighter. He said no (meaning he didn't have a lighter).

Another student stood up to present his case; but he didn't say a word. Instead, he pulled some little railroad cars into the room. The cars were each about a meter long and a half meter wide. Apparently, the student intended to give a demonstration of what had happened. I was amazed; I didn't know quite what to think.

At one point a paper on which I was writing became mixed up with Dawson's grade sheet. I separated them. Dawson didn't seem to mind that I could see his marks; the last three people who had stood had made "As." But no grade had yet been put down for the fellow with the railroad cars.

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