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Dream of: 10 January 1982 "Heading To School"

I was in Portsmouth, where it had been snowing. I had picked up a friend early in the morning to take to school, but first he wanted to stop somewhere and buy some marijuana. We went to a familiar house which seemed like someone else's house but at the same time reminded me of the Grandview Avenue House and also somewhat of the Ressinger House. My friend walked into the front room of the house to consult with the person who had the marijuana while I walked back to the kitchen.

A girl (only 13-14 years old) showed up. She somehow seemed as if she were my sister (not my actual sister). She was wearing a one-piece blue swimming suit. I looked at the suit when she entered; it was a knit-type material which had large spaces between the thread which allowed the flesh to be seen. The girl at first seemed embarrassed to be so exposed in front of me, but then she didn't seem to care. When I walked up to her to have a better view, I could easily discern the nipples of her developing breasts. I looked farther down; her black pubic hairs were clearly visible.

She left the room and I looked around. A pantry had been converted into a clothes closet. I looked through the clothes for something to wear to school and I came across some sweaters which were rather worn out and out of style. One suited my taste, but it was worn and threadbare along the back shoulders. I wanted to wear it anyway but felt constrained not to since I knew the other law students disdained people wearing worn-out clothes. In particular I thought how Leah would be sitting behind me in one of my classes and would see me dressed in old clothes. It aggravated me that I would let myself be pressured into dressing in a certain way.

A dachshund which reminded me of Duke (my sister's dog) appeared in the rather dark room. The dog ran around frenetically for a bit and then stood straight under the light, which was merely a bulb in a socket in the middle of the ceiling. Suddenly, the dog made a leap all the way to the ceiling and seemed to grab something black which had been next to the light bulb. I was able to discern that the dog had pulled down a bat which had been hanging there.

I lay down on the floor under the light and the dog again jumped to the ceiling and pulled down another black bat. When the bat came down, it landed on me and I struggled to push it off, since I didn't want it to touch me.

I had been in the kitchen a rather long time and I was wondering if the fellow whom I had brought was growing impatient. I walked into the front room and found him still waiting for the fellow he was supposed to meet.

I decided to leave. I stepped outside and walked off through the snow toward school. As I walked I realized I was actually near the House in Patriot, walking down a gravel road in the country. It was snowing at first, but then it turned into a sunshiny summer day. On my left was a hillside. I came to a place where people had been bailing hay and were in the process of gathering it up. I realized immediately that Carolyn Count's family was at work here, but I didn't see Carolyn with them. I saw one grizzly-looking fellow with a large, bushy, red beard on a tractor.

A bale of hay rolled down into the road. I picked it up and walked a few steps with it. Then with one hand I threw it back up over the fence into the field. When it hit the ground it looked as if it warped in the middle, but it didn't break open. No one seemed to pay any attention to me. I walked on. A little farther ahead in the field sat two more wagons already fully loaded. In front of them sat Carolyn. She obviously had been working and had her hair pulled back and tied up. She was wearing a shirt and jeans. Her cheeks were red and she looked pretty.

She didn't look at me as I passed along, averting her gaze so our eyes wouldn't meet. I thought it was probably best to just walk on by and not say anything to her, so I just kept walking. She seemed to have a rather stand-offish expression on her face as if she didn't want to speak with me and as if she probably wouldn't answer me even if I did speak.

Just as I was almost past her I stopped, took my hat from my head and said, "Hello, miss."

I made a comment about the weather and was surprised to see a wide smile spread across her face. Radiant, she stood and walked down toward the fence.

I continued, "I'm on my way to school in Centerville. It's five miles away and I have to walk today."

She answered, "I'll get my car and take you, if you want."

I could hardly believe my ears. Nothing would please me more than to ride to school with her. Then she added enigmatically, "I like your brother, too."

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