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Dream of: 15 October 1974 "Love Letters"

I had received some letters from my ninth grade sweetheart, Debi. The letters also somehow seemed to have come from Sue Young (a girl with whom I had a brief fling in 1970). It seemed as if the letters said that she loved me. After looking at the letters, I stuck them into a book of maps.

Afterwards, carrying my book of maps with me, I was walking around, when I saw Debi coming out of a house where she apparently lived. Shaw (whom Debi married after high school), wearing eyeglasses, was looking out the window of the house. I walked up to Debi and told her that she looked beautiful. She said that she was now a nurse and that she was on her way to the hospital.

Shaw walked out to us. He saw my book, grabbed it from me and began going through it. He came upon two old letters in the book, then found the letters from Debi. She quickly grabbed the letters from him. Shaw, however, had seen the front of the letters and he had noted that they had come from Huntington, West Virginia. Since he knew Debi used to live in Huntington, he knew the letters had come from her.

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