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Welcome to my web site. Click on the headings to look at various aspects of my business as a photographer. Primarily I am an Advertising Photographer in Leicester, England.
Over the years my business has broadened into Travel Photography, Expedition Photography and Archeaogical photography with the Society for Libyan Studies based on a Medieval site in the Sahara Desert. I am also a part time lecturer in Photography at De Montfort University, Leicester. where I teach Level One and Two Undergraduate students. In 1998 I successfully completed a Master of Arts in Photography at De Montfort University.

Contact Details. <>, or when traveling, <>

Tel. 0116 270 6506
Mobile 0385 902530

New!! Adventures in the Libyan Sahara January to March 2000

Advertising Photography

World Travel Photography

North Africa/Middle
East Adventure

Land Rovers & Expedition Photography

Click here for details of my next trip to the Sahara Desert. I depart from U.K. on January 14th 2000
Many Apologies for the lack of service in recent days. This has been due to circumstances beyond our control, and changes are being made to ensure that you can check Toby's progress at all times.