Dr. Wai: Scriptures With No Words

Producer: Charles Heung ,Alex Wong

Director: Ching Siu-Tung

Cast: Jet Li, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Rosamund Kwan, Charlie Yeung, Ngai Sing,Billy Chow

Running Time: 90 min

One thing: Who again said this was like Indiana Jones was on acid at the time they saw this. This was more like The Hong Kong version of Last Action Hero if you ask me. Plot twists,digital effects, action, digital effects, multilevel plots, multicountry adventures, the runaway train, digital effects,wiring out the butt, if you've never seen overkill, this is it.

Chow Si-Kit ,The King of Adventurers (aka Jet Li) is out of ideas for his newspaper adventures. Partly because he's being foreced into divorced by his wife Monica (Rosamund Kwan). Fortunately for Chow though, his two assistants at the paper (Takeshi Kaneshiro,Charlie Yeung) who themselves are bickering pair,step in to help. The movie alternates between his real life encounters and his over the top mythical story that happens soooooo unrealistically thus another film that has issues. If you can understand whats goin on, the story of the Mythical side, has a magic scripture and its box that must be reunited, while the romance of the fictional characters revolve whats going on with real life. Not only can this lead to confusion, if your not already confused, but each of Jet and his assistants and his wife constantly are making revisions of the plot thus, oh my god my eyes have finally gone crosseyed.

Even though everything was outragrous, the fights are unforgettable from the fight with Billy Chow (Fist of Legend badass) to a pair of hulking sumo-wreslers and a skull faced monster. This scene made me realize why hasn't Li gotten a call to play as a Jedi knight for the upcoming Star Wars Episode II movie! We also get treated with a little bond-like gadgets such as a fountain pen that does everything to a kung-fu umbrella.

Overal though, most of this is so wild and weird and not to mention unbelievable, that someone can lose interest pretty easily. Not that bad of a movie but man, I think hardcore Jet Li fans of the Lords of the Wu-Tang type will like this movie, but other fans of the realistic to a degree sense may want to look elsewhere. I give it 6 out of 10.


Email: aziantre@aol.com