The Hitmen

Producer: Gordon Chan

Director: Stephen Tung Wai

Cast: Jet Li, Eric Tsang, Simon Yam , Gigi Leung

Running Time: 104 min

Me and a friend were walking in the mall one day and we happen to take a look inside Suncoast to see what new Jet Li movies had been ordered as of late. The last time I had stepped foot inside there, they had about 3 Jet movies and I had purchased all three. To my suprise there were more than 10 titles they had got in and one of these was the "Hitman". Anyways, my friend looked at me and said " I've seen this one! Its the Hong Kong version of the Matrix but with Jet!". I about shit my pants considering that The Matrix was one of my personal favorites. So about a couple of months later with another group of friends we bought the movie and let me tell you, Remind me to kick my friends ass for saying that crap! By know means is this anything like The Matrix. It is however, an good,action film.

Jet plays a wanna-be assassin on the trail of the mysterious "angel of death", an assassin who only kills those who deserve it. Apparently , he killed a Hong Kong businessman, and had set up a trust fund of 100 million to find his murdered in case of such an event would happen, and thus the story begins. They bring in hitmans from all over the globe and the business man evil grandson joins the mix. Even Though Jet is too kind-hearted to be a killer, he and his "agent" (Tsang), a cop who sponsors Jet, Try to stay ahead of the business's evil granson, who are hot for the bounty money placed on the Angel's head. Tsang's performance is quite good, but it seems to focus on him too much for a Jet li film and with very little fights scenes, it may not be some fans cup of tea. But when the action was present, it was good, especially the last scene which may warrant the purchase by itself.

The Hitman, is not as great as you would expect from a man who has done films with the likes of "Fist of Legend",Fong Sai Yuk, or Tai Chi Master, but this film relies on the strong acting and dramatic points. However among other points that it falls flat on, is its lack of a strong charater develpoment. If you a fan of the fast-paced non-stop action of Jet Li, you may actually want to pass on this one. I gave this rating 6 out of 10

