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Dir.: Lau Kar Leung

Cast: Jackie Chan, Anita Mui, Ti Lung, Gabriel Wong, Andy Lau, Ken Lo, Chin Kar-Lok, Bill Tung, Felix Wong

Year: 1994

This 1994 sequel to Drunken Master returns Jackie Chan to the role of a young Wong Fei Hong 16 years after his original performance. The film begins when Wong accidentally mixes up a box containing ginseng root for his father's medical practice with a similar box containing the imperial seal of China. The villains in this case are foreign imperialists who are smuggling Chinese treasures out of the country through their steel mill with the help of corrupt Chinese collaborators. But not only are they theives, they're also heartless slavedrivers, forcing the native Chinese workers at the mill to work extra hours without pay under the threat of violence. Naturally, Wong Fei Hong gets thrust into this mess. Fortunately, he has a secret weapon. Fei Hong is a practitioner of Drunken Boxing, and when he gets tanked he becomes an invincible kung-fu fighting machine. Unfortunately, his father (Ti Lung) has forbidden him to drink, and when Wong accidentally assaults him in a drunken stupor, he is cast out of his home.

For those of you who want to see pure Jackie Chan martial arts at its finest, Drunken Master II will leave you satisfied. Set in 19th century China, there are no car chases and the like that are so common to Chan's films. What you get instead is Jackie Chan performing some of the most incredible non-wire kung-fu you'll ever see. His drunken style kung-fu showcases some of the most graceful, fluid, and breathtaking moves of his career, and he manages to make it all look effortless. Of course, you've got the usual Chan-style comedy and nail-biting stunts, including a scene where Chan crab-stumbles backwards over a bed of hot coals. A good story and strong performances by the actors round this film out, and make it one of the best Jackie Chan films ever. Possibly one of the best martial arts films period without Jet Li even ! This film was released in the theaters and it's a good see. Must OWN! I rate this a 10 out 10 stars.

I still hate Jackie Chan though.

Email: aziantre@aol.com