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Tiffany- Calgary- Alberta- Canada

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Things that Tiffany likes ; Making Wine. Playing Cards. Listening to jazz and blues. Playing Golf. Tiffany Loves; My wife. Sharing Good times with my friends. Cooking. Traveling. Making New friends. Entertaining at Home. Helping out peaple with gender questions.....lending support if possible. Listening , and providing understanding to others. Tiffany Dislikes; Pushy Peaple. Television. That society says that you must be either female or male , and nothing in between Peaple with very closed minds. .
These days A little about me. July 23-00 Transgendered Male to Female Transsexual living a transendered life fulltime. Chess Master.(if you want to play me a game over the internet , let me know) Enjoying all that life has to give, allways learing more as each day seems to be a journey in itself. I'm also 40 years old and like most of us that are questioning where we are at genderwise,wished that I had addressed these questions long ago.

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