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Meeting Minutes

Texas Veteran's - Chapter 1

January 9, 2000

In Attendance:

Max and Betty Tillman Bill Johnson Jeanette O’Fallon Bawana Crouse Marolyn Schmidt Jill Mason Rob Mason Larry Hurst James Collett Wanda Collett Bobby VanStory Peggy Sue John Hogan Lyndell Lackey David Havens John David Kinsey John Kinsey Chris Tullos Mike Clements Micheal Hanneman If you are not on the list – you didn’t sign in/out!

Checkbook Balance: $309.00

There are several members that are owing dues. This is a serious issue, let’s get caught up.

Ronnie Kunkel and Jerry Smith have been voted out of the chapter and it has been decided to go collect their colors. Jerry Smith we will also collect the jacket.

New Members:

John David Kinsey William Watts, Jr Brenda Havens John Hines

All were voted and accepted.

Addition to By-Laws – that you may have to forfiet your colors. – voted and accepted

Toy/Food Drive went great! There were things left over from the run, there was a home that burnt and the items were donated to that family.

TET Reunion – February 5.

Les will donate a 1942 Riffle for a raffle for a fund raiser. We will need to donate a portion of our funds to the TETS. We also need to check on a price for a banner. This will need to be approximately 4x8. Try to have the logo or just TEXAS VETERANS-CHAPTER 1. So that this can be used with other events.

Bill Johnson will bring Janis Joplin in on his bike. 3:00.This is a mandatory event. The people that are able will meet at the fairgrounds at 3:00 on the 7th to set up.

World of Wheels will be the 29th of January. There is a space reserved for our organization. Need list of people wanting to participate. John Lyndell Bobby X 2 Les David Max – possible Larry

List was given to John Kinsey.

It was voted to purchase a 60x20x60 parachute. This will set the club back $100.00. But, the owner will accept a payment plan.

In the future, there will be no colors distributed until the colors have been paid for.

It was voted and accepted to hold election in March. We will split the Secretary/Treasurer position into 2 positions.

We will vote by written ballots.

February’s meeting we will accept nominations for the offices.

As we get bigger, we will have 2 road captains.

Applications are lacking in detail.

Voted and accepted that all new applicants will be on a 60 day probation period. During this period, they come to meetings, events, do not pay dues or get colors. There will be a screening committee – volunteers are Micheal Hanneman, Chris Tullos, Larry Hurst, and Les Burchfield.

It was also voted and accepted to ask on the applications for the DL or SS#.

It was also voted and accepted to purchase an American Flag, Texas Flag and possible POW Flag. We will get a quote on these items. Mike Clements said that he can get the flags for 3-4 dollars.

Les said that he has a flag that was flown in the White House in the Oval Office and will donate it to the club.

Confederation of Colors meeting is Saturday in Lubbock. Leaving Bobby’s about 9:00am if anyone is interested in attending.

TRMA meeting is this Tuesday 7:00, American Legion.

10% of all sales at Raven’s on Sunday’s is donated to the Run to the Wall.

The committee that was set up for the run to the wall will meet at Les’ home next Sunday at 12:00.

We will meet again on the 23rd at 2:00 at Raven’s to discuss the TET Reunion. Meeting adjourned.

05 FEB 00 VFW – North 3rd Street 2:00pm

In Attendance:

Peggy Sue Ballard John David Kinsey, JR Max Tillman Betty Tillman Wanda Yancey James Collett JR Gonzalez John Hogan Bill Johnson Jill Mason Les Burchfield Barbara Burchfield Marolyn Schmidt John Hines Brenda Havens David Havens Chris Tullos Vicky Broadus Larry Hurst Mike Clements Bill Watts Lyndell Lackey John Kinsey Bobby VanStory Rob Mason Jeanette O’Fallon Old Business:

The Banner was purchased – was used at the TET Reunion - $140.00 10% of the funds raised should be donated to the Abilene Grunts Association Voted and accepted - $28.00. There was $280.00 raised by the RAFFLE for the RIFFLE.

Mineral Wells – Vietnam Memorial – John Kinsey will get back with more information.

New applications:

Benjamin Cisneros Andrea Hufford Eugene Hufford Johnny Matthis Reyes Tiodolo

Applications voted and accepted

Applications – but not present: Mark Bottila Billy Lynn

Charles Lockaby, Kenneth Vest, Diane Vest, Renie Goettsch, were members voted in at the last meeting, did not show up at the TET Reunion of this meeting. There applications were voted and accepted to be put on hold.

Jerry Smith has had no contact with the club. He has been removed from the club.

James Collett talked to the constable and he was told that the club needs to get a patent on the colors. Marolyn said she had talked to an attorney and they stated that in the By-Laws it states about forfeiture and that is a legal binding agreement. Volunteers for a committee to look into this has been voted and accepted. Volunteers are: John David Kinsey, JR, Bill Watts, Chris Tullos and Max Tillman.

There is a new application brought forward. It was motioned, voted and accepted. Larry Hurst will take care of the changes.

A change in the By-Laws - #2 – change to conviction. Voted and accepted.

John David Kinsey, JR, asked if we wanted to get involved in letter writing to our local government officials regarding issues of concern. Everyone seemed interested. There was no vote on this issue.

Appreciation to Les Burchfield for the donation of the RIFFLE for the RAFFLE.

Les spent some time in the hospital last week for some heart problems.

PeggySue’s son, David, will be leaving for Bosnia. He is in the Army National Guard (?). The club will send a card.

Lyndell – Rex – a veteran dying of cancer, not to be surviving very much longer, the question was asked if anyone wanted to ride up for the services – if so, get with Bobby or Lyndell. The club will send a card.

Vicky will make a “Club Card”.

Applicants to the wall –

The VFW (3rd St) wanting to have a dance to help our trip to the Wall.

Both of the VFW’s, American Legion, and NCOA want to sponsor someone going to the Wall. It was discussed that they would have to come up with the money up front for THEIR people to go. We still are wanting to sponsor someone else by the Chapter.

Robert Rubio has stated that he would donate his band to play for a function.

JR Gonzalez was our veteran that we sponsored last year to the Wall. He stood up and expressed his gratitude and feelings about the trip.

There was a motion on dues. If someone is more than 60 days past due, there will be a cap of $30.00. They will have 6 months to get caught up, after that, the club will vote on it. This motion did not go any farther.

There was a motion for the treasurer or Sgt At Arms to approach past due members before meetings begin. This was voted and accepted.

Re-Submission of Dues motion, After 60 days past due, you will go inactive/$2.00 per month. After the end of 6 months, the club will need to address the individual. This was voted and accepted.

Need to get dates for fund raiser (dance) – VFW – Vapor Trail – 1st weekend of April or May.

Ballots were sent out for nominations. 28 votes turned in.

Vote Tally: Pres: James Collett – 1 vote Les Burchfield – 4 votes John Kinsey – 20 votes Bobby VanStory – 1 vote John Kinsey accepted the nomination Les Burchfield declined the nomination James Collett declined the nomination Bobby VanStory accepted the nomination Vice President John Kinsey – 4 votes Max Tillman – 3 votes James Collett – 8 votes John David Kinsey – 2 votes Rob Mason – 1 vote Les Burchfield – 3 votes Larry Hurst – 4 votes Bobby VanStory – 1 vote

James Collett accepted the nomination John Kinsey declined the nomination Larry Hurst declined the nomination Max Tillman declined the nomination Les Burchfield accepted the nomination

Secretary Jeanette O’Fallon – 13 votes Vicky Broadus – 2 votes Jill Mason – 4 votes Peggy Sue Ballard – 3 votes Barbara Burchfield – 2 votes Donna? – 1 vote John David Kinsey, JR – 1 vote

Jeanette O’Fallon accepted the nomination Jill Mason – declined the nomination PeggySue Ballard accepted the nomination

Treasurer Wanda Yancey – 3 votes PeggySue Ballard – 3 votes Betty Tillman – 1 vote Jeanette O’Fallon – 5 votes Barbara Burchfield – 2 votes Jill Mason – 3 votes Larry Hurst – 5 votes James Collett – 1 vote

Jeanette O’Fallon declined the nomination Larry Hurst accepted the nomination Jill Mason declined the nomination Peggy Sue Ballard declined the nomination Wanda Yancey accepted the nomination

Sgt. At Arms

Bawana Crouse – 1 vote Lyndell Lackey – 4 votes Larry Hurst – 4 votes Les Burchfield – 1 vote Rob Mason – 11 votes Chris Tullos – 1 vote Bill Johnson – 1 vote

Rob Mason accepted the nomination Larry Hurst declined the nomination Lyndell Lackey accepted the nomination

If anyone would like to see the ballots, they are in the possession of the secretary.

Motion for next meeting to be an open forum for the candidates, this was voted and accepted.

Next meeting will be the 5th of March at the VFW on 3rd at 2:00pm.

Motion to change the meetings to the 3rd Sunday of the month. Voted and accepted.

March 17, St. Patrick’s Day – will have scheduled the VFW hall on 3rd to have dance on the 18th of March. John Kinsey will check with Robert Rubio to see if his band is available.

Rattlesnake Round-Up – Sweetwater – March 10 COC March 31 – Ft. Davis TRMA Tuesday 7:00

1 month until dance, flyers will be made ASAP.

Door Charge $2.00

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes prepared by:

Jeanette O’Fallon Sec/Treas Texas Veteran’s – Chapter 1