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Agency Info Info-Rick West Info

How Can We Help You?

Please fill out this form if you would like for us to conduct a property search.


Full Name:

Street Address:



Telephone Number:


Are you interested in:

Leasing Buying

What real estate categories are you interested in?
(Please check all that apply.)

Residential Office Commercial Industrial Multi-Family Land

What price range are you considering?

Do you have a property that you would like to sell?

Yes No

What type property do you want to sell?

(Hold the CTRL or COMMAND key to select more than one.)

Do you have any comments?

To send us an e-mail with your answers: click the SEND button when you've finished,
or use the RESET button to start again.

If you have problems sending this form, please print it, fill out, and mail or fax to us at:

1172 Bentoaks Drive
Denton, TX 76210
Office: (940) 382-1411 Toll Free: (800) 818-MOVE FAX: (940)383-2891
