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Welcome to our Den

Fear not the wolves, for they are my friends.
They will not harm you, if you do not harm them.
They are my guides, my companions and family.
They know they are free, that I am no enemy.
Sit thee down awhile and share a meal with me,
Make yourself comfortable and we'll talk story.
I'm sure you've heard tales of the wolf harming
people, sheep, and others who do farming.
Leave thy weapons outside the circle, before you enter in.
This is the manner to let my pack know you are brave,
They respect courage and honor, and it could save thy skin,
Only the coward comes armed, or tries to make us his slave.
See that large male over there, the one who is gray?
He is the Alpha male and leader of our pack,
His mate is the brown female, and only with him does she lay,
They mate for life and guard each others' back.
The other day there was a hunter in these woods,
To kill the wildlife and wolves, if only he could.
But the pack followed their leader back to the den
Awaiting the nighttime and left only then.
They watched and waited until the hunter slept,
Then silently up to his camp they crept.
They did not harm him, for he was not their prey.
Only his rifle and knives did they take away.
When he awoke and reached for his gun,
He was surrounded by the pack, and quivered with fear,
But as they watched and awaited the sun,
They did not move closer and returned to me here.
Unlike mankind they hunt not for trophies,
They hunt only for food to keep the pack fed.
Sir, when you return home, I would ask you to please,
Pass this word on and maybe Man can be led
To remember to hunt also, only for food.
Thanking the animal who gives his life, would be good.
In the days of time before time, the wolf was Man's friend.
They helped hunt and carry his burdens, their heads held high,
In some cases, they adopted our children, and raised them.
Mankind could learn much, by following their example. (sigh)
If men would protect and feed the weak, old and young, as the wolf does,
If men had leaders strong, brave and true, and not for fame, but just
Then wars would end, the poor would be fed,
All would have shelter, clothing, and be truly freed.
Elders would be honored, and the children led.
Imagine all living in harmony, with no cause for greed.
Mankind has known there are Spirits that guide,
But they have thought themselves smarter and better.
They were put here to nurture, yet followed their pride,
Instead of following the Teachings, and the Word to the letter.
Until the day comes, when Man lives at peace,
With himself, the land, the seas, and the Earth,
He will always be fearful and find no release,
From unending conflict, and have no true Worth.

~Author Unknown ~

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