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The Grandfather Tree

The air is so fresh and clean, the perfume of the flowers is rich, and the sun a huge golden ball, sending down a very gentle heat. The trees are waving their arms in welcome. They have been waiting for you to come into your special garden, and the trees want to talk to you. If you listen you can hear them saying: "Coming to me, come to me."

There is one tree that stands out from the others. He is very, very old. He is the grandfather of all the trees, and he is full of knowledge and wisdom. There is nothing this tree doesn't know. He has been watching what happens around him ever since he was a young sapling. He has a very thick trunk and big, big roots going out through the earth. As they go down into the depths of the earth, these roots push the earth up, making mounds big enough to sit on. This Grandfather Tree has plenty of branches with beautiful green leaves, so many leaves it's a wonder he can hold the branches as high in the air as he does. The breeze is rustling the grass and the leaves on the trees are making sounds that are like the purest music one could imagine.

I want you to walk up to the Grandfather Tree. As you approach the trunk of this tree, you will see there is a door with a little handle. I want you to open this door and go inside. Close the door quietly behind you now, and you will find the inside of the tree is lit with a golden glow. In this glow, you can see passageways going through the branches. There is also another pathway going down the trunk into the roots.

Why don't you go and investigate? You have plenty of time to choose which way to go. I wonder what you will find? I think there are rooms off these passageways that hold all sorts of knowledge. Some have lots of toys. There are always people around to keep you company whom you can talk to. They will be able to answer your questions. If you want to remain on your own, you only have to say so and you can go into the room of your choice and do the things you most want to do.

I shall now leave you to explore your special tree......