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Eternal Marriage

Eternal Marriage is a big part of our Heavenly Father's plan. You don't want to go into marriage blindly because one day your going to wish you could be together forever, even after this life. That's why you don't marry anybody who can't take you to the temple, because it's pointless if you can't live together forever with that person.

It's hard to say Good bye and let go, and it's hard to see it end, when the memories you've made will never happen again.

Why should you ever have to say good bye? Why should married people only be married till death do them part? Why should the time that you share with your companion and children ever end?

The truth is you don't have to say good bye and let go. The time that two mates and their children share together doesn't have to end. Heavenly Father gave us the gift of Eternal marriage and why should we not take advantage of it.

I am only 15, I am far from ready to marry, but when the time comes I know I will marry in God's Temple for eternity. I know that when I marry and have children I don't just want to spend the rest of my life together, I want to spend eternity together, and the Lord has shown us how we can.

I am already sealed to my parents and my brothers and my sister and it feels wonderful to know I never really have to say good bye to them and the only time we will have to spend apart is when each of us leave one another on earth. My Dad died on October 9, 1996, I was 12. So right now my Dad is away from my mom and brothers and sister and me, but because my mom and Dad went to God's Temple and were sealed together, and because my mom and Dad sealed each of there children to them, we will one day live together again, forever. Then I will have my birth family and the family that my husband and I will make.

You also can't live in the highest degree of Glory with God if you are not married, and if you are only married till death do you part, then you won't be married in the eternities, but of course if you never got the opportunity to marry on earth, you'll get the opportunity in the eternities.

Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's Plan, I always want to be with my own family and the Lord has shown me how I can.

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