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The Atonement

Everyone should know about the atonement, but if you don't know then I will explain it to you. Christ was sent to earth because the people needed a perfect being to come down and die for thier sins so they would not be accountable for thier sins if they repented. In the next paragragh I'm going to talk to you about what christ went through for all of us.

Jesus of Nazareth underwent Jewish and Roman trials, was flogged, and was sentenced to death by crucifixion. The scourging produced deep stripelike lacerations and appreciable blood loss, and it probably set the stage for hypovolemic shock, as evidenced by the fact that Jesus was too weakened to carry the crossbar (which was called the patibulum) to golgatha. The people made a crown out of thorns and dug the crown into his head and they also slashed his back open with really thick whips. The guards blindfolded him, they spit on him and they also struck him in the face with their fists in the Jewish trial. Then they sent him to the romans because they could not think of a crime to punish him. They made him walk to golgatha were he got crusified with the thorns, the slashes on the back, and the patibulum on his back. At the site of the crucifixion, his wrists were nailed to the patibulum and, after the patibulum he was lifted upon the upright post (which was called stipes), his feet were nailed to the stipes. The major pathophysiologic effect of the crucifixion was an interference with normal respirations. Accordingly, death resulted primarily from hypovolemic shock and exhaustion asphyxia. Jesus' death was ensured by the thrust of a soldier's spear into his side. Modern medical interpretation of historical evidence indicates that Jesus was dead when taken down from the cross. (In the next paragraph I'm going to type one of my favorite songs called I Heard Him Come).

I heard him come; I saw his very face. I wondered who would come into this place-where dead men walk, and where the dying talk of life before the curse upon them came. He looked on me; he must have felt my gaze. He came toward me through the crowded maze, and I a leper, in shame hid my head 'til someone said, "Jesus is his name" and he said, (chorus:) "Nations fall behind him; the rivers crawl to find him. Moutains move just to let him through. Come and never leave him; just let your heart believe him. Never let his lght go; never let your light grow dim." He fed a thousand with one loaf of bread; I saw him raise a child from the dead. He healed the sick; the blind saw his eyes. The lame man stood, and joyous were his cries. And he said, (chorus:) "Nations fall behind him; the rivers crawl to find him. Moutains move just to let him through. Come and never leave him; just let your heart believe him. Never let his lght go; never let your light grow dim." I saw his pain as they nailed him to a cross. I wish that they could understand the cost. He looked on me, as had once before, saying, "teach my word to all forever more." And I'll say, "Nations fall behind him; the rivers crawl to find him. Moutains move just to let him through. Come and never leave him; just let your heart believe him. Never let his lght go; never let your light grow dim!"

You may feel that this subject is sad, intresting or boring. If you think this subject is sad, intresting, or both then you have got the right kind of feeling, but if you think it is boring than you obviously don't have any gratitude for what our savior did for us.