Mike Modano #9 center
Michael Thomas Modano
6-3; 200; center
June 6, 1970; Livonia MI
drafted in the first round, 1st overall in 1988 by the Minnesota North Stars
stats | pictures

check out www.mikemodano.com because Michael's cool and got a website.

nicknames: Mo, Modo, M&M, Mr. GQ, Pretty Boy, Modonna, Material Girl (last four generally used by jealous guy fans who are pissed that their chicks think Mike is cute)
warning omehow Mike has become known as the cute one, but it is very trite to be a Mike groupie, so get over it. That doesn't mean we don't love him as a player.  He is an absolutely bee-yoo-ta-ful skater, fast, agile, great control of the puck, nice shot.
what you need to know: played junior hockey at Prince Albert in the WHL
all-time leading goal-scorer and points leader in the Minnesota North Stars/Dallas Stars franchise
wears the number 9 in honor of Gordie Howe and Carl Yazstremski, a Red Sox player
scored four points in the 99 All-Star game
first job was working at a lumber mill
Mike's ex-fiancee, Kerri Nelson, coaches basketball at a local, private all-girl's school *ahem*
parents - Mike and Karen
national punt, pass and kick semifinalist in 1978 at the Pontiac Silverdome
favorite NHL uniform: Montreal Canadiens
favorite arena: Old Chicago Stadium (but who's isnt?)
hockey hero: Darryl Sittler
if he wasn't playing hockey, he'd "probably be in Mexico...maybe charter fishing." (well hot damn Mike, you sure got funny over the years.)
most memorable hockey moments: first NHL game and the 1999 Stanley Cup clinching game (that one's ours, too!)
favorite sport is golf
favorite bands are Stone Temple Pilots, Sting, Queensryche,
favorite movies are Animal House, Shawshank Redemption, Tommy Boy, Seven, Blazing Saddles.
favorite show Days of Our Lives, Home Improvement,Simpsons,ER
likes pasta because it's the only thing he can cook
favorite drink is Long Island Iced Tea
drives several BMWs, classic T-Bird
if he could have dinner with anyone dead or alive it would be Chris Farley and "just having beers and burgers with him. That would be a blast. I probably wouldn't learn a lot, but I'm sure I would laugh my butt off"
sits next to Darryl Sydor on the plane
was in the Mighty Ducks movie with two line: "Oh yeah, I heard you're a farmer" and "Take it easy"
what's cool: has all his teeth
hockeyhair (even if is oddly two-tone, layered and he shows it off too much before the game)
has two golden retrievers named Scout and Bella
has played with the Stars franchise his entire career
played on the Little Caesar's team in Detroit with Dan Kezmer (former Stars player)
his mom does not give Halloween candy to kids dressed as Red Wings
not so cool- is on a San Fransisco Streak House billboard saying something dumb like "They're no.1!"
his facial hair grows in really patchy
appeared in Cosmopolitan, GQ, Mademoiselle...horrid pictures
yell: "Hey Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind..clap-clap, clap" ....well, you know the song

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