Throwing A Party

Johns Poetry Corner

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We left the homeland for a new land,
Knowing not what lay ahead.
With hope for a new day dawning,
We felt we had nothing to dread.

Hardships were met with courage,
Tho many miles of ocean blue
Separated us from family and friend,
We were determined to begin life anew.

As time went by we increased in number,
From villages to towns to cities we grew.
With a struggle we did achieve prosperity
In a land strange and new.

None of this was ignored by a motherland,
With nothing but thoughts of taxes on her mind.
With actions sure and swift,
She hit us with taxes of every kind.

Against these onerous taxes we did rebel.
And what did we do but throw a party,
Which, down through our history,
Has become known as the Boston Tea Party.

John Watson

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