Last Updated - July 31, 2001

John's Poetry Corner

A Place To
Get your favorite drink
Sit back
And enjoy yourself

These poems are for your enjoyment. You may use any of them in your
newsletters or on your website. We ask that you give the author proper
credit and include our by-line found with each poem. The author retains
the copyright to his poem.

You may also have one of your poems published here.
For details click here.


Selected Poems

Twinkle Toes
Our First Meeting
The Salesgirl
The Old Porch Swing
To My Love
The Winter Of '29
My Dear
Writers Dilemma
Throwing A Party
The Cow In The Well
Be Thankful
We Can Always Make Butter
One Dark Night
God Knows
With Loving Care
Drinking From My Saucer
Redneck Love Poem
A Perfect Day
Gossip Town
I Lub You!!!!
Christian ABCs
Rover's Christmas
Joe Blow From Odessa
I Want What She's Having
The Drugstore Cowboy
The Mad Dash
Mother's Recipe
Moonshine Holler

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