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Personal Home Page

New PICS (added 12/18/2002)

	Hi all and welcome to my home page.   You all should 
	consider yourselves lucky to be given my
	page.   It is not like we give this out to just anyone:)  
	No really, I created this page to share some of my 
	"goings on" with my family and friends.   Yep, some of 
	this information may be more than you really wanted to 
	know.   I will try and narrate the pictures with some 
	subtitles or explainations.   Some may be funny, 
	some may not be.    
Well here we go. You'd better buckle up 'cause this is gonna be a long ride. Enjoy!

The Phipps Files (Not yet rated)

House Projects

	We hope you have enjoyed your travels through our pics.  
	Please come back and visit because we will be continuously 
	updating our site.  I will put a new sign at the top of 
	the page whenever we have new pics.
If you have any questions or comments, just send them my way at the following e-mail address:

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Last updated: Tuesday, July 23, 2002