What's Up?

Welcome to the Updates page. Knowing me, it'll end up being the least updated page of all.

Lizz: That implies you'll be updating the rest of it.
Peggy: Oh, right. Guess I'd better not say that, then. ::ducks::

Updates: 7/12/00
Wow, it's been a long time.
(Shock, shock.)
Here's another no-brainer: Britney Spears' cover of the Rolling Stones' "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" is really, really bad. But it also manages to be really really funny, at least to me. Okay.

  • Pulled down the HAVOK PAGE because I'm running out of room here (I'm technically .03 MB over my limit as it is...) and I needed space for a little something else. The havok page may reappear later, but it wasn't anywhere near finished anyway, so back in the closet with it.
  • Special gift for Adam: Full-Body Makeover
  • Special gift for everyone else: Adam's fully-body makeover!

Updates: 5/21-22/00

  • Created, updated, and uploaded the Havok Page
  • Added fun new things to the links page, for those of you who're bored with my sporadic updates (no, I don't blame you).
  • Began work on a different type of links page for those of you with time on your hands.

Updates: 5/20/00
Most of this update is uploading various things, including some random artwork and a very random MV. Here it is...

  • First, the random MV, inspired by AP exams and bad pop music: "Oops! ...We Did It Again," by Kateri & Co.
  • Next, a totally schwae comic that I found long ago in the paper and have just now scanned: The Early Adventures of Jonny Quest
  • An amusing editorial cartoon from the 20s that pretty much sums up some people today as well... Imagination?
  • Speaking of people today... Non Sequiter's take on Religious superiority (NS is a really great syndicated comic strip, for those of you who aren't privleged to get it daily)
  • My really cool Jonny Quest Lunchbox! A snazzy way to eat, even if I do eat off the floor (long story). Bad scan, tho. Oh well. You get the idea.
  • A Race Bannon sighting! (From some random catalog I found a zillion years ago)Another fairly bad scan, but oh well.
  • Ever wondered if you were a bimbo? Find out, with my bad scan of my favorite YM quiz ever. Are You A Bimbo?
  • Um, this might be helpful too. Answer Key
  • Finally, random bits of my insanity: Angel , an old Hadji portrait , and a picture of me (in the middle) and two of my friends in our really cool pants.

Updates: 4/26/00
Well, break out the champagne, all you of-age visitors, because Y2K came and went and we're all fine. And, despite the fact that it is April, I'm finally doing New Year's updates. ::procrastinator's evil grin::
Hey, look at it this way. I could claim to have been nervously crouching in a bomb shelter, waiting for Y2K to kill us all. Instead, I was waiting for 3rd term exams to kill me, and my computer was dead. ^-^;;
Well, my updates list is relatively short this time...
  • Moved things into directories (images, fics, Lizz's stuff)
  • Fixed all my links!! So, if you find any that STILL don't work, please let me know so I can fix them sometime before Y3K rolls around...
  • OH! And the big news: Meach's "Voodoo" is back!! So if you didn't read it the first time, read it now!

Updates: 10/4/99
Gee, it's been a while... Here's what I've accomplished:
  • Meach revoked permission to archive any of her fics, so "Voodoo" is no longer available. Sorry!
  • I'm preparing to import more fics to buff up my anemic fic page: Bryne's "Past, Present, Future" is at the top of the list. I've got some other ideas about who to ask for more fics. ::wiggles eyebrows::
  • Uploaded GFTR #3, "Snow White [Turban]." It's on the Grimm's Fairy Tales REVISITED page (here).

Updates: 8/19/99
  • Fixed up Lizz's last Theory for now, Why it's Culturally Easier to be Female, so that the link to it works.
  • Uploaded Meach's "Voodoo" parts 10, 11, and 12 to the fic archive
  • Messed with some .bmp files and uploaded them... And then Angelfire ever-so-helpfully converted them to .jpgs, so now the quality sucks. But you get the idea...

Updates: 8/11/99
Updates: 8/6/99
  • Added Meach's "Voodoo" Parts 5 and 6
  • Uploaded Peggy vs. Ponchita IM War 3-5 and linked them to 1-2.
  • Created & linked an index page for the War Fics

Updates: 8/2/99

Updates: 7/30/99

  • Uploaded Lizz's Harem Fics... All six of them. Also edited a link onto the main Harem Page.
  • Added Meach's "Voodoo" (parts 2 and 3) to the Fic Page
  • FINALLY finished and uploaded first part of the AIM pass-da-fic that Ponchita and I did recently. (As an intro to the Peeples?) It's here
  • Messed with Lizz's Theories so that it looks better. (And so I c'n add the other links you requested, Lizz.)
  • Put up a JQ:TRA voting booth (and a link on the main page): Vote for your favorite episode

Updates: 7/27/99
  • Created Updates page. Wowee.
  • Added Meach's "Voodoo" (prologue & part 1) to the Fic Page
  • Helped Lizz add her "Opinions Page"
  • Added cute little ferret images stolen from AJ's Ferret Page (Very kewl, in a scary sort of way)
  • Uploaded Jessie's Pokemon fic "The Mukamu" which is utterly hilarious (provided that you've seen Pokemon and know who's who, of course)
