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about me 

opinion poll 

da double p 

random link 

shrine of morons

wall of shame




Welcome to my brand new waste of time. As you can see it's still very much under construction so bare with me. For all the virgins to my site, lemme give you a little incite to the different sections. If you'd like to learn a little bit about me and see what makes me tick feel free to click here. As for the other sections. The Opinion Poll is a monthly thing where i get to see what's in that sick little mind of give it a look see and lemme know what ya think. The Double P, also know as the Pointless Petition is basically whatever's pissin me off this month. I've talked about anything from gettin a Wrestler on a Wheeties Box to Bashin the Mother of my friend Charles' girl. So drop in and gimme your thoughts on the subject. The Random Link should speak for itself, but for all the slow people out there (Laura),it's a link to a site i either found humorous, or a complete waste of your time (what a concept) so have fun and take a look. As for the Wall of Shame, that's the fruits of my labor in searching for the stupidest possible pictures found around the internet, or sent in by you (my many fans). And finally, the newest addition to my waste of time the Shrine of Morons. That's a list of all the people who asked to get their name mentioned/sent me an e-mail about it/ or just plain pissed me off, unofficially volunteering their name. If you want your name to grace my page, sign the guestbook and ask, or e-mail me

I Hope You Enjoy My Waste of Time....

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Peter's Waste of Time

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