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Hi ya'll ! My name is Ted (aka Nuke)
I live in Central Texas
I work for a company that builds Nuclear Steam Dryers
and Atmospheric Silencers.
Interests include: Music, Computers, Motorcycles, Hotrods & Outdoors.

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2000 Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce (FXSTD)

Run For The Wall 5/22/04
Balloon Fest 9/28/2003, Abilene Texas
Vietnam Memorial Wall Escort 9-9-2003
Confederate Hellcat
Kent's Harley-Davidson 4/7/02
Tshirts Page (My Collection)
People, Places and Things Page
The Bikers(Friends I ride and work with)
Classic Car Show
This is just my stuff
Cement Stuff
Christmas Parade 2001
Nature Photos


Have you ever noticed that small bell on someone’s scooter and wondered why it was there? It’s more than just a decoration - it has a very specific function. As we all know, life has many mysteries that have no apparent solutions. One of these Evil Road Spirits. They are little Gremlins that live on your scooter. They love to ride and are also responsible for most of the problems your scooter encounters. Sometimes your turn signals refuse to work, your battery goes dead, the clutch requires adjustment, or several hundred other things go awry. These problems are caused by EVIL ROAD SPIRITS. Evil Road Spirits can’t live in the presence of a bell. Among other things, their hearing is super sensitive. They get trapped in the bell where the constant ringing and confined space drives them insane. They lose their grip and eventually fall onto the roadway, forming potholes. The bell doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy. Most are brass, some silver. When placing it on the scooter, the closer to the ground the better - you don’t want to give those nasty critters a chance to hop on board. If you’ve picked up a bell of your own, the magic of the bell will work in some ways. But if you are given a bell by a good friend, the power of the bell is many times stronger. Plus, you are reminded that someone out there is looking out for you. If you sell your scooter, have someone remove the bell and transfer it to your new scooter. If you get divorced and the ex gets the scooter - remove the bell and bury it !

My Chevy :)

In memory of Sam and Lady

Last Update 2/14/10

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