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Mr. T's Texas History Quiz

(Click on the star for answers)

  1. What three rivers form parts of Texas' boundaries?
  2. Name the four major geographic regions of Texas.
  3. What is the capital of Texas?
  4. What is the largest city in Texas?
  5. What is Texas' nickname?
  6. What is the origin of the name "Texas"?
  7. What is the official Texas state bird, tree, flower, and song?
  8. What major Texas city is located farthest south?
  9. What major Texas city is located farthest west?
  10. What two major Texas cities are located in the Panhandle?
  11. What major escarpment separates the Texas Gulf Coast from the Edwards Plateau?
  12. What major escarpment separates the High Plains of the Texas Panhandle from the Lower Plains?
  13. What are three major mountain ranges of the Mountain and Basin Region of western Texas?
  14. What is the highest point above sea level in Texas?
  15. What is the only state larger in area than Texas?
  16. What is the only state larger in population than Texas?
  17. What happens to the elevation of Texas as one moves across the state from east to west?
  18. What happens to the average rainfall in Texas as one moves across the state from east to west?
  19. What man is known to history as the "Father of Texas"?
  20. What woman is known to history as the "Mother of Texas"?
  21. Where was the first battle of the Texas Revolution fought?
  22. What was the battle cry of the Texans at that battle, and to what did it refer?
  23. Who led the Texans in their victory over General Cos at the Battle of San Antonio?
  24. For how many days did the siege of the Alamo last?
  25. What two men were co-commanders for the Texans at the Alamo?
  26. What defiant phrase did Travis use just before signing his famous letter to "the people of Texas and all Americans in the world"?
  27. Who was the Mexican commander at the Battle of the Alamo?
  28. What woman was allowed to leave the Alamo to spread the word of the Texans' defeat?
  29. What was the name of the five and one half weeks during which the Texans were being pursued by Santa Anna's army?
  30. At what battle did the Texas army under Sam Houston defeat the Mexican army under Santa Anna?
  31. On what date did Texas declare independence from Mexico?
  32. What date in Texas history is remembered as "San Jacinto Day"?
  33. What were the two jobs of the Texas delegates who gathered at Washington on the Brazos in March of 1836?
  34. What type of government was established for Texas in the Constitution of 1836?
  35. What was the name of the nation created by the Texas Constitution of 1836?
  36. What were three basic rights guaranteed to Texans by the Constitution of 1836?
  37. Who was the first (and third) elected president of the Republic of Texas?
  38. What Texas president is remembered as the "Father of Texas public education"?
  39. Who was the last president of Texas?
  40. In what year did Texas become the 28th U.S. state?
  41. What war began shortly after Texas was annexed to the U.S.?
  42. What was the name for the belief that the United States should expand all the way west to the Pacific Ocean?
  43. By what name were Texas Rangers known in Mexico during the Mexican War?
  44. What compromise set the borders of Texas at their current locations?
  45. What practice was a major reason for the secession of Texas and other southern states from the U.S.?
  46. Why was Sam Houston removed as Texas governor shortly after Texas seceded?
  47. Who was the U.S. president during the Civil War?
  48. Who was the Confederate president?
  49. About how many Texans fought for the Confederacy?
  50. About how many Texans fought for the Union?
  51. Name three Civil War battles fought in Texas.
  52. During what years was the Civil War fought?
  53. Which side won the Civil War?
  54. What was the name for the decade after the Civil War?
  55. After Reconstruction ended in 1874, how long was it before another Republican was elected governor of Texas?
  56. What happened to President Lincoln just five days after the Civil War ended?
  57. On what date were Texas slaves set free?
  58. How is that date celebrated in Texas today?
  59. What well-known Texas Ranger was Hays County named for?
  60. Besides the county, what are three other things in the local area named for this man?
  61. What economic activity involving a Texas animal became very important in Texas during the years after the Civil War?
  62. What invention by Joseph Glidden helped to bring an end to Texas cattle drives?
  63. What were the beginning and ending points of the Chisholm Trail?
  64. What famous Texas cattle rancher had over 1 million acres of ranchland near Palo Duro Canyon and invented the Chuck Wagon?
  65. What was the name of the ranch in the northwest corner of the Texas Panhandle which consisted of land Texas traded for the capitol building, and how many acres did it originally include?
  66. When was the present capitol building completed?
  67. In the years immediately after the Civil War, what was the fastest means of transportation available?
  68. When and where did the first major discovery of oil in Texas take place?
  69. Name three inventions of the late 19th and early 20th century that greatly changed life for Texans.
  70. Who was the first Democratic Texas governor after Reconstruction (elected 1874)?
  71. What Texas outlaw was shot by Texas Rangers during an attempted bank robbery in Round Rock?
  72. What was the name for laws that enforced segregation, or separation of races?
  73. What Texas reform governor stood 6'3", weighed 250 pounds, and established the Texas Railroad Commission to oversee the operation of Texas railroads?
  74. What Texas city was devastated by a huge hurricane on September 8, 1900 (the worst natural disaster in American history)?
  75. In 1900, what % of Texans lived on farms or in small towns?
  76. What did the 18th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in Texas and the U.S. in 1919, outlaw?
  77. Who was the first and only Texas governor to be impeached and removed from office?
  78. In what year did Texas ratify the 19th amendment, which when approved gave women the right to vote?
  79. Who was Texas' first woman governor?
  80. How many Texans served in the U.S. armed forces during WWI, and how many gave their lives?
  81. In the early 1920's, what organization opposed to Catholics, African-Americans, and Jews briefly rose to power in Texas?
  82. What industry's expansion in the 1920's propelled the Texas economy into the "Roaring 20's"?
  83. What was the name for the economic crisis which crippled the Texas and U.S. economies during the 1930's?
  84. What natural disaster during the 1930's compounded economic problems for Texas farmers during the 1930's?
  85. What was the name for President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to fight the economic problems of the 1930's?
  86. What Texan was FDR's vice-president during his first two terms?
  87. What Texan from Bonham was elected to the U.S. Congress in 1912 and served for the next 48 years, about 20 of those as Speaker of the House?
  88. What Texan was awarded the Navy Cross for his heroic actions during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941?
  89. How many Texans served in the U.S. armed forces during WWII?
  90. What Texan was the most decorated soldier in WWII?
  91. What Texas-born general was commander of all Allied forces in Europe and later became U.S. president?
  92. What Texan admiral was the commander of the U.S. Pacific fleet?
  93. What Texan became U.S. president in 1963 after JFK was assassinated in Dallas, and was later elected to a full term as president?
  94. What was the name of President Johnson's program to bring civil rights and a better society to all Americans?
  95. What Texas woman was the first black U.S. congresswoman from the South?
  96. In 1991, who became the second woman to be elected as governor of Texas?
  97. About what % of Texans now live in urban areas?
  98. Elected in 1978, who was the first Republican to be elected governor of Texas since Reconstruction?
  99. What political party currently holds all of the major statewide offices and both houses of the Texas legislature?
  100. Name the current governor and lieutenant-governor of Texas.