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The Austin Kiwanis Club
Luncheon Speaker Series


Tuesday luncheons provide us with a chance to socialize and to keep informed about club activities and projects.  But they also provide very tasty food and the opportunity to hear talks by people from a variety of walks of life which are entertaining, uplifting, thought-provoking and enlightening. 

Bill Kaylakie was in charge of our speaker series for April.
Randy Christal John Doggett Bill Hawkins Solomon "Jae" Arkeen


On April 27, Bill arranged for Solomon "Jae" Arkeen, licensed and certified forensic counselor, certified criminal Justice Specialist, who works with sex offenders to protect society at large, to speak to us.

Mr. Arkeen dispelled commonly held myths about sex offenders such as that abused children commonly become abusers as adults; that locking up sex offenders results in a safer society, that sex offenders are generally predatory. The more accurate views he explained are that sex offenders are people who cannot or will not control their behavior without therapeutic help; that regardless of how long they are incarcerated, they will eventually be released, and unless they have received and continue to receive therapy, they will probably commit sex offenses again; and that they are rarely predatory but are instead opportunistic. He also explained his view that in incarcerating sex offenders for long terms, especially without treatment, we are often losing as a society the benefits they provide in other aspects of their lives, as, for example, providers for their families.

If the majority of sex offenders are not predatory but instead opportunistic, and can be properly

governed outside of incarceration in a program which includes mandatory therapy, their benefit to society can be salvaged without permitting their aberrant behavior. His view is that society's current view of sex offenders is similar to society's view of alcoholics a century ago -- that the problem they pose is solved with incarceration instead of individual and group therapy and appropriate social supervision. Finally, he stressed that there is no "cure" for the sexual offender; only the hope of control through therapy. He invited everyone to sit in on a group therapy session and suggested more education about sex offenders is needed so that society can alter its approach to the problem they pose. Mr. Arkeen volunteered to speak to us after noticing our speaker series provided him a forum for this purpose.


Bill Hawkins

Bill arranged for our member, Bill Hawkins, world traveler, to speak to us about his travels in Kosovo.  Unfortunately this reporter was unable to attend this session; however, Bill provided a photo he took showing the conditions of the roads as an illustration of the lack of development in this area of Europe, and specifically in this instance, a narrow road on the edge of a thousand-foot precipice without guardrails! bh.jpg (24166 bytes)

Bill arranged for John Doggett to address the luncheon gathering on April 13.

doggett.jpg (8301 bytes)


John is a nationally known radio personality and adjunct assistant professor at the UT School of Business. 

He is a non-practicing lawyer with a point of view encompassing local political and civic issues as well as national and international.  He expects and respects the views of those who disagree with him, but few would disagree with him that since he is no longer on the air with KVET-AM, there is almost no public discussion of current Austin civic issues.  You can find his articles as a commentator through

John Doggett is a management consultant, lawyer, and business school professor who lives in Austin, Texas. Talkers Magazine has selected John as one of the 100 Most Influential Radio Talk Show Hosts in America. Headway Magazine has selected John as one of the 20 Most Influential Black Conservatives in America.


Randy Christal

On April 6, Randy Christal spoke to us. Randy is a lifelong resident of AUstin, and currently is in the Staff Development division of the State Comptriollers Office where he is responsible for training managers in such skills as Performance Appraisal, Leadership and various other management competencies. Randy teaches two courses at Austin Community College in the Business and Technology Department, Business and Professional Speaking, and "Train the Trainer." Randy is also a sports official, having refereed in the 1996 Rose Bowl (USC vs. Northwestern); the 1997

Sugar Bowl (Florida vs. Florida State --for the national championship); the 1997 Las Vegas Bowl (Air Force vs. Oregon); and the 1998 Big 12 Championship (Texas A&M vs. Kansas State). Randy has also umpired baseball in the 1984 Olympics, the 1984 American League Championship Series (Detroit vs. Kansas City), and eight College World Series in Omaha, Nebraska. He provided us with interesting insights into the world of referees and answered questions that the sports enthusiasts among us have had concerning officating.


March speakers were invited by Paul Parsons as follows:

March 2 Ben Lecomte, a French national who swam the Atlantic Ocean  

March 9 Peter Rieck,
City of Austin Director of Public Works &Transportation,


March 16 Eduardo Longoria, Owner of Casa De Luz, Macrobiotic foods March 23 Olivier Giraud, singer/songwriter with 8 1/2 Souvenirs March 30 Jocelyn Tomkin Research Scientist with UT Dept of Astronomy

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Date revised: May 01, 1999.