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Austin Kiwanis Club
8th oldest chartered Kiwanis Club in Texas-Oklahoma District -  1919.

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Tuesday Luncheon Speaker Series

Tuesday luncheons provide us with a chance to socialize and to keep informed about club activities and projects. But they also provide very tasty food and the opportunity to hear talks by people from a variety of walks of life which are entertaining, uplifting, thought-provoking and enlightening.

Please email Joe Black, Speakers Chairman at if you have suggestions for speakers and topics you would like us to consider.  It is helpful if you provide the email or phone numbers of any speakers you suggest.

December 21, 2004
 Christmas Carol Sing-Along
Russel G. - Song Leader,
John K. - piano
December 14, 2004
Go To Randi Shade Bio at Austin Entrepreneurs Foundation
Randi Shade

Go to Austin Entrepreneurs Foundation
Subject:  Austin Entrepreneurs Foundation
December 7, 2004
Go to Russell Schulz-Widmar Bio
Russell Schulz-Widmar
Professor of liturgical music at
the Episcopal Theological Seminary

Subject:  Music
November 30, 2004
Tom Anderson, UT resident carilloneur

Go to read more about Kniker Carillon in UT Tower
Subject:  His  most unusal job at UT
November 23, 2004
Rev. Carl Rohlfs, new pastor of

Click to go to University United  Methodist Church
Subject:  Thanksgiving Inspiration
November 16, 2004
Joe Dibrell, our own club member and
Retired Judge

Subject:    The famous "One -man, one-vote" case of Avery v. Midland (1968),
where he was the trial judge,
which was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court
November 9, 2004
Walt Burke, our own club member and
Retired Lt. Col. USAF

Subject: Veterans Day, and stories from a fighter pilot
November 2, 2004
Ron Tonges
Subject: life as a major league scout for
Click to Go To Texas Rangers Homepage
October 26, 2004
Tom Kroll, President of Ecoclean
Subject: Ecoclean has introduced an environmentally safe dry cleaning and laundry business in West Lake Hills and plans to expand ... (more on bottom page of this link)
October 19, 2004
Dick Kallerman
Board of Director - Go To SOS Alliance
Transportation Chair - Austin Go To Austin Sierra Club
Retired  from IBM

Subject: Regional transportation issues
October 12, 2004
Craig Smith, Board of Directer
Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer
Conservasion District

Subject: Water issues for the 21st century

Click to go to Austin Chamber of Commerce May 27 - Michael Rollins
President of the Austin Chamber of Commerce

May 20 - Scholarship Program for local high school graduates

Click to go to United Way Capital Area May 13 - Mike Davis
VP of Resource Development

Click to go to Downtown Austin Alliance May 6 - Charles Betts
Executive Director of the downtown Austin Alliance

Texas Memorial Museum April 29 - Ed Theriot
Univ. of Texas

April 22 - Bruce Bates
Travis County ITS
Subject: RDMT Project

April 15 - Gene Jantzen
Lt. Governor
Subject: Shuttle Columbia Recovery

April 8 - Rev. George Ricker
Pastor, Author
Subect: What you don't have to believe...

To Austin Energy Home April 1 - Ed Clarke
Subject: Energy Deregulation

Blood and Tissue Center March 4 - Lisa Richardson from the Blood and Tissue Center

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
February 25 - Dr. Julie Sanchez, Pedriatric Surgeon

Its mission is to prevent and better educate parents on injury trauma to children

Februaray 18 - Round table at noon, no lunch

The 10th anniversary of the merging of the Austin and Balcones Kiwanis clubs held at 6.30pm at Ventana Cordon Bleu Restaurant @IBM complex

Children's Hospital Foundation of Austin

February 11 - Evan Walter and Lisa Butterworth, R.N.

Skippy Express Mobile Health Team
Skippy Express Mobile Health Program

Walter is in charge of annual giving at the hospital
Lisa is the Director of the Skippy Express Mobile Health Program
They will explain more about the Mobile Health Program and how we can help

Austin Farmers' Market logo February 4 - Carrie Norton

The Farmers' market will be an open air market in the heart of downtown at Republic Square Park (4th and Guadelupe) opening hopefully in May 2003.
The market will support local growers and provide the freshest fruits and vegetables.

The market is under the umbrella of the Sustainable Food Center(SFC).
SFC teaches people how to grow their own food, how to eat and prepare healthy foods, and where and why to buy local foods and sell foods of their own.

Jan. 28 - Jill Kolasinski

Founder and principal of Austin KIPP ( knowledge is People Power) Charter School
KIPP are intensive schools with a track record of high success with kids from disadvantaged situations.

Click to see more about John Kelso

Jan. 21 - John Kelso

Austin American-Statesman columnist

Jan. 14 - Speaker from Austin Bergstrom Int'l Airport

Subject: security issues at the airport

Richard Curlee
Jan. 7 - Richard Curlee

Dean of Students of Austin Harvard School
the husband of AHS founder Glad Curlee
AHS - America's 1st school for Bipolar / ADHD students

Click here to see Tuesday Speark Series - Year 2002
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