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Austin Kiwanis Club
8th oldest chartered Kiwanis Club in Texas-Oklahoma District -  1919.

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Kiwanis International

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Fundraising Projects

Oct. 12 - Garage Sales benefiting Helping Hand Home for Children

On Saturday, October 12th, the Kiwanis Clubs of Austin, CKI, and local key clubs came together to help with a Garage Sale to raise funds for Helping Hand Home for Children. Items were donated from the community and the sale was held at Helping Hand Home. Over $1300 was raised to benefit the children at Helping Hand. Helping Hand Home is a residential treatment center for children who have been maltreated and need special attention due to their emotional and behavioral deficits. The sale was a great success and a good example of how Kiwanians help the community. Thanks to everyone who helped. Special thanks go to Amy Matta who headed the event.

Oct. 19 - Alzheimer's 5K Memory Walk

Thanks to all of our members, and especially to those who volunteered to raise funds, our Austin Kiwanis raised $4,000 for the Alzheimer's Association's Memory Walk this year. Unfortunately the actual Walk was canceled due to thunderstorms this year, but once again the Austin Kiwanis helped with this worthwhile fundraiser. Special thanks to Amy Matta for helping with the paperwork for our team, and especially to Chet Garrett for his generosity and commitment to helping others who are dealing with Alzheimers in their own families. Please give Paul Parsons a word of thanks for his hard work in organizing this event.

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