Horse Body Language Quiz
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Body Language of the Horse Quiz

To learn more about the body language of the horse first, go to: Horse Body Language

Objective: answer 10 questions correctly. JavaScript required!

1. Which of the following does a horse communicate with?

Muzzle and ears
Head and  hindquarters
Mouth and legs

2. When a horse puts her ears back she is expressing anger or aggression.


3.When a horse puts her ears back flat to her neck and shows the white of her eyes:

She is scared
She is angry
She is in pain

4. If your horse seems about to attack a friend's unsuspecting mount:

Be ready to get out of the way
Correct your horse sharply

5.  A horse that will often tip one or both ears back to listen for your commands is:

A bored horse
An angry horse
An attentive horse

6. A horse whose ears will tip back and out to the side at a gentle angle is:

A bored or half asleep horse
An angry horse
A hungry horse

7. A horses ears that are pointed forward is always an expression of friendliness and good cheer, a safe expression.


8. Upright or forward ears generally indicate:

A frightened horse
A hungry horse
An alert horse

9. Stiff and tilted ears are a first sign of:

A frightened horse
A hungry horse
An alert horse

10. Narrowed eyes and a tight, pinched mouth often indicate:

A bad mood

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NOTE: Always stay alert and be safe around your horse. The more time you spend with your horse, the more easily you'll pick up the signals, and the safer and more comfortable you'll become.