Arabian Horse Quiz
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Arabian Horse Quiz

How much do you know about the Arabian horse? If you would like to study for this quiz first, please go to: and then come back.

Objective: answer 8 questions correctly. JavaScript required!

1. The Arabian horse was clearly portrayed on the walls of limestone caves along with other animals of the hunt between: 

10,000 and 30,000 years ago
25,000 and 40,000 years ago
40,000 and 60,000 years ago

2. The first and most famous Arabian breeders were the tribesmen of Arabia known as:

The Arabs
The Kohlani
The Bedouins

3. Arabians are slightly smaller than other breeds and average:

13 hands in height
14 hands in height
15 hands in height

4. The Arabian consistently lives out other breeds. Most Arabians are in their prime at 20, and many live well past:


5. The first Arabian horse in the United States belonged to which president?

George Washington
Abe Lincoln
Andrew Jackson

6. The Arabian is the oldest purebred in the world?


7. The Arabian horse's characteristics make it just as athletic as it is attractive for the following reasons:

Short, dished head and flaring nostrils allow for maximum oxygen intake
Arched neck keeps the windpipe defined and clear to carry air to the lungs

8. In the USA, the Arabian is the:

1st largest breed 
2nd largest breed
3rd largest breed
4th largest breed

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