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Homepage for Brooke Marie Ashton Wimmer

Here are lots of pictures all about me.

Here are some pictures of my baby shower.
I'm still in my mom's tummy!

Mom is getting my room ready.

Everybody at my Dad's work did something called a "diaper shower".
He hauled a truck-cab full of diapers home!

Here my Mommy is calling her Mommy to tell her something about water breaking.
I'm READY to get out of her tummy!

I'm just a few minutes old here with Mom,Mammaw, and Dad.

I get to pass a little time in the hospital.
Everybody is taking real good care of me.

I finally get to be at home. Mom and Dad were glad to be home, too.

I'm headed to Mammaw's house!

This is my room. You have to ask permission to come in.

I'm not to happy about pictures of me NAKED on the internet.