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Jurgen Has No Pulse...

Dear Mother Jurgen:

We have good news and bad news. First, the good news: your J-boy did not commit suicide in prison! He's been doing some secret work for us. Who are "us", you may ask? You wanna die, Missy? Oh, so sorry ma'am, we digress. You'll just have to, uh -- trust us on this, okay? He worked for "us", doing...a secret "something". Unfortunately, the Jurgmeister began doing some even more secret work against us -- but that's neither here nor there, as you will soon understand for yourself.

We hope this letter finds you in one piece and enjoying good health. Wish we could say the same for your beloved son. Sadly, he has become one with the cosmos, having been splattered into molecules by the unfortunate circumstance of his hands-on re-arming of a bomb, in what has been debated as either the act of a coward, or that of a martyr. The point, however, is moot, because he is a dead Jurgen. His fundamental Jurgen-ness has ceased to be. He is the microscopic material formerly known as Jurgen. We're talking not even an essence of Jurgen, these days, really. Let's stop sugar-coating this. It is not overstating matters to declare that he is, in fact, an ex-Jurgen. "Ol' Smithereens", as we like to call him around Section, on the rare occasion when it is necessary to refer to him at all.

We are sure there can be no pulse, as there is -- here's the funny thing -- no artery at which to take a pulse! There are no ashes to scatter, as he was rather spectacularly scattered already, along with the walls of a particular institution. This bit -- no pun intended, ma'am! -- of misfortune has necessitated some amount of industrial cleaning and repair, quite a tidy (actually, tidyING ) sum, as a matter of fact. Unfortunately, we have had to sell your young man's dubiously-acquired car, home and assorted objets d'art in order to meet our financial burdens in this case. Therefore, we regret to inform you that nothing survives -- lock, stock, mission blacks, charred remains, or ill-gotten gains -- of your blue-eyed boy. Or would that be "formerly blue-eyed..." ?? (Actually, if we are going to get technical, formerly eyed, would probably be most accurate) Anyhoo, we are confident that you will bravely soldier on -- as you had done when you thought he was dead the first time around -- and as have his co-workers, some of whom have already forgotten his name.

We are still counseling a handful of others who CANNOT SEEM TO LET GO. Rest assured that psychiatric counseling, pharmaceutical agents, electroshock therapy, and outright noggin-whacking are all being considered to help them through their time of delusion.

love and kisses
Section One

R.I.P. Jurgen

Rest In Pieces

Now. THAT'S settled. So, shall we discuss Gray, who -- last time we checked-- still had a pulse?

This is a weak attempt at humor about a fictional character, ONLY. We are not here to pass judgment or take sides. This site exists for the purpose of stating in unequivocal terms that -- for good or ill -- Jurgen has died. Jurgen is irretrievable. Jurgen has left the building (in fact, the building pretty much went with him) We are here to help those who, in the grieving process, have been unable to move past the denial stage. We also provide a place for those who would like to leave a final sympathetic thought or limerick. We do acknowledge, appreciate, and respect the work of guest actor Bruce Payne, who played the role of Jurgen in three episodes of La Femme Nikita, in early Season Two, 1998

with apologies to Monty Python, waves to the KB, and a bit of a nod to M of NS

Updated March 2000
Please feel free to inscribe your heartfelt condolences at the
established for your mourning convenience

~Jurgen's Mortician~

rational people have bravely accepted Jurgen's dematerialization

stand by for the following memorial attractions soon to come:

Oops! Bye, Chuck
Mowen, Don't Go In There

Say your farewell to the late lamented Chuck -- click on his angel, below

What the heck, as long as you're grieving, might as well stop off at

Shear Madness

Return to the Remembrance Centre entrance

Actually, the Remembrance Centre staff and Jurgen's Mortician need a break from all this gloom and doom. We've decided to put Mowen on ice (so to speak) for a while
we're going to a shindig!
Can anybody still do the Hully-Gully? Remember the Alligator? Can your Monkey do "the Dog"? Shake those kinks out of your Funky Chicken, put on your go-go boots, and get your groove on at
Mick's pad!
let your backbone slip, baby!

the viewing public has spoken...
Winner of the 1998 Chrysler's Canada's Choice Award
at the 13th Annual Gemini Awards Broadcast Gala
click here for LFN's "acceptance speech"

Please visit the OFFICIAL Warner Brothers
for announcements, contests, video images, broadcast information and episode summaries!
original La Femme Nikita logo is the property of Warner Brothers

This fan appreciation site created for fun and with love, no malice intended.
We are not affiliated with Warner Brothers, LFN Productions, or the USA Networks

for more fun, we recommend
Mer's Random Pieces of Madness
Le Comedie de LFN

FIGHT THE BANDITS -- Click below for info


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