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Paw and R.W.'s Story

I wanted to get a kitten for a long time. When I was in Austin I saw an ad that a farmer had found abandoned kittens and was giving them away. So I went to his house which was on the other side of Austin. But by the time I got there, he only had two kittens left. I couldn't decide between them so I asked him if I could have both. He said yes so I took them home with me. I named the gray and white one R.W., the initals of my boyfriend, because he named his cat after me. I named the maine coon cat Paw because he had such big paws for a kitten. They were so tiny that I had to mix up some food for them. But today they are two healthy and loving cats who live with me and my two dogs.

Paw and R.W.'s Birthday: the last week of October or the first week of November in 1995.
Paw likes: food, playing, and affection.
Paw's nicknames: baby paw.
R.W. likes: sleeping.
R.W.'s nicknames: R-Dub.