"Be Still, and Know that I am God"
Psalms 46:10

This is my favorite Bible verse. When things are going bad, it reminds me who's in charge. And when things are going good, it reminds me who's in charge. I hope you understand.

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Hello, and Welcome to My New and hopefully improved web site! It is very nice of you to stop by and I hope that you enjoy your stay. This site is created for many reasons but most importantly this site is created to entertain and amuse me. If you happen to enjoy it too, well that would just tickle me pink, or maybe blue...lol. I hope you do. With all that said, sit back, get comfortable and start clickin'.

Inside my site you will find personal stuff about me (as if you care) and maybe some of my family and friends; chat rooms and WebTV IRC's; my favorite links; some HTML and WEB PAGE goodies. To the right is a Menu to help you get around easy.
Oh yea.. Have fun, and don't forget to sign my guest book.

C ya.. Eddie


This Emerald's City of Links site owned by Eddie.

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