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Chains to Change: An Exploration of Culture & Society

El Centro College Presents


An Exploration of Culture & Society

A Learning Community for History 1301 and Sociology 1301
See our new Learning Community for History 1302 and Sociology 1301, Social History and Society: Conflicts and Connections
E-Mail Wanda Jones or Call (214) 860-2676 or 860-2392.

Also see our Links about "Chains" and "Change" on the Net and History Home Page with links to educational resources on the internet, search engines, student pages, alumni reports and "what's new," or check out Learning Communities Online. Also, see History 1302 Helper

Links about "Chains" and "Change" on the Net

Chains on the Net:

Change on the Net

Learning Communities Online
American River College Learning Communities // Learning Communities Network - History
An Introduction to Learning Communities

El Centro History Page
El Centro Home Page // Arts & Sciences Department // El Centro Library