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El Centro College History Department

History 1301 - American Revolution Exercise
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Instructions: Using the textbook, internet, or other resources, in the first column, place the year(s) of the event listed. In the second column, place the letter of the correct identification (see bottom of page).
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  1. Cato's Letters and Independent Whig
  2. Navigation Acts
  3. Virginia's assembly restricted
  4. Cherokee War
  5. George III
  6. Writs of Assistance
  7. French & Indian War
  8. Proclamation Line
  9. Paxton Boys
  10. Pontiac's Rebellion
  11. Currency Act
  12. American Revenue Act
  13. Non-importation
  14. Stamp Act
  15. Sons of Liberty
  16. Stamp Act Congress
  17. Repeal of the Stamp Act
  18. Declaratory Act
  19. Regulators
  20. Suspension of New York Legislature
  21. Townshend Duty Act
  22. Indian traders
  23. British troops to Boston
  24. Mechanicks
  25. Tea duty
  26. Boston Massacre
  27. Crispus Attucks
  28. Gaspee incident
  29. Committees of correspondence
  30. Tea Act
  31. Boston Tea Party
  32. Coercive Acts
  33. Quebec Act
  34. First Continental Congress
  35. Continental Association
  36. Considerations on the Nature and extent of the Legislative Authority of the British Parliament
  37. Whigs and Tories
  38. Provincial Congress
  39. Minute Men
  40. Elections of 1774
  41. Conciliatory Proposition
  42. Lexington
  43. Concord
  44. Second Continental Congress
  45. Olive Branch Petition
  46. Declaration of Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms
  47. George Washington
  48. Breed's Hill
  49. John Trumball
  50. Peter Salem
  51. Great Bridge & Moore's Creek Bridge
  52. Siege of Quebec
  53. Declaration of a rebellion
  54. Barring all exports from the American colonies
  55. Charleston, South Carolina
  56. Common Sense
  57. Thomas Jefferson
  58. Declaration of Independence
  59. Contract theory of government
  60. Benedict Arnold
  61. Battle of Brookly Heights
  62. Battle of White Plains
  63. Battle of Trenton
  64. Battle of Princeton
  65. Year of the Hangman
  66. Ft. Ticonderoga
  67. Battle of Saratoga
  68. Battle of Brandywine Creek
  69. Valley Forge
  70. Genral von Steuben
  71. Sir Henry Clinton
  72. Battle of Monmouth Court House
  73. Spain delcared war on Britain
  74. League of Armed Neutrality
  75. George Rogers Clark
  76. Molly Pitcher
  77. Wyoming Valley & Cherry Valley
  78. Savannah & Augusta
  79. Mississippi & Mobile Rivers
  80. Battle of Kettle Creek
  81. John Paul Jones
  82. Continental money
  83. Battle of Charleston
  84. King's Mountain
  85. Ladies' Association of Philadelphi
  86. Battle of Cowpens
  87. Guilford Court House
  88. "Swamp Fox" Francis Marion
  89. Yorktown
  90. Articles of Confederation
  91. Lord North
  92. Peace of Paris
  93. Military coup
  94. Continental Army 

A. Forbid printing of legal tender paper money in colonies

B. Organized and enforced sanctions against the British
C. Called for the organiztion of a Continental Army

D. Due to French persuasion, they augmented the naval power against Great Britain.

E. Disbanded and Washington gave an emotional farewell

F. John Adams said he was a better writer so he was assinged to write the Declaration of Independence

G. Woman of folklore

H. "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne recaptured it

I. Special companies that were to be ready on a minute's notice

J. Ended with treaty in which Carolina and Virginia lands were surrendered

K. Royal instructions relating to passing timely legislation

L. Killed peaceful Conestogas

M. Disguised Americans destroyed 342 chests on the Dartmouth

N. Pledge not to tax colonies if they would voluntarily contribute to the defense of the empire

O. Created a disciplined professional army by endless drilling at Valley Forge

P. Washington overwhelmed the British to end operations until the spring
Q. Endorsed the Suffolk Resolves denouncing the Coercive Acts and advised the people to arm themselves

R. Loosely organized protest groups formed 

S. Restricted white settlement and kept colonists closer to the coast

T. Result of petition by British merchants hurt by an American boycott

U. Rhode Islanders shot the captain in the buttocks and burned the ship

V. Strengthened Lord North's hand

W. A battle misnamed Bunker Hill

X. By Thomas Paine, it made the case for American independence

Y. Martha Washington suffered with her husband and troops during the miserable winter

Z. Clinton seized and coloinal government restored

AA. "over mountain men" defeated the British

BB. Disrupted British communication

CC. Raids by British and Iroquois

DD. Patriot forces repulsed a large British expedition to capture this city

EE. Battle left 273 British and 100 Americans dead

FF. Included the Boston Port Act that closed Boston's port, Administrative Justice Act that allowed English 
    trials of Americans accused of murder, Massachusetts Government Act that limited the legislature, 
    and a new Quartering Act

GG. Duties on tea, paper, paint, land, and glass

HH. About country ideology by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon

II. Known as the Sugar Act, it combined new and revised duties including 
    enumerated products, and allowed seizure of cargo

JJ. First internal tax on colonists

KK. Spain seized British outposts

LL. An inconclusive battle, it was the last in the North

MM. His name became synonymous with traitor after offering the British a fort at West Point

NN. A crucial year for the American cause named for its numbers

OO. Advocates of colonial rights and their opponents began to call themselves by these traditional English party labels

PP. Ended with treaty that gave the British all French claims east of the Mississippi River except New Orleans

QQ. Suggested by Catherine the Great to protect trade in the U.S. and other warring countries against the British

RR. Officially approved on July 4, 1776, it was one of history's great assertions of human rights

SS. Occurred when British soldiers fired on a crowd that was pelting them with sticks and stones

TT. To aid British East India Company's financial troubles

UU. A hit-and-run raider on his Bon Homme Richard, he "had not begun to fight"

VV. James Wilson's publication that concluded Parliament had no authority at all over the colonies

WW. "half Indian, half negro and altogether rowdy" casualty of the Boston Massacre

XX. Action by Parliament that persuaded many Loyalists to switch sides
YY. Morgan's Continentals tricked the British

ZZ. Ordered to attack the Frech West Indies

AAA. The British army surrendered and marked the end of major fighting

BBB. The British introduced germ warfare against Indians

CCC. Developed by John Locke and others, it was the philosophical basis of the Declaration of Independence

DDD. 1200 Americans were killed or captured and the British occupied Philadelphia as a result

EEE. Remained despite repeal of Townshen duties

FFF. Formed to keep American leaders informed about British actions

GGG. Asserted resolve of American patriots "to die freemen rather than to live slaves"

HHH. The worst American defeat of the war and largest loss of American troops until 1942

III. South Carolina's Whig militia decimated a Loyalist militia

JJJ. Captured three key British settlements in the Mississippi Valley

KKK. Congress admitted it was worthless

LLL. Gave the U.S. nearly everything it wanted

MMM. British efforts to regulate American trade and enhance mercantilism

NNN. Ascended British throne only to eventually loose American colonies

OOO. British returned supervision to colonies

PPP. Asked King George III to protect American subjects

QQQ. Battle left 18 American casualties

RRR. Massachusetts legislature that appointed the Committee of Safety

SSS. A stunning reversal for the British that convinced the French to join the fighting

TTT. William and Richard Howe drove Americans back to Manhattan Island

UUU. Successful surprise attack on Hessians after crossing the Delaware River

VVV. Wrote to Henry Drayton to defend their status and rights

WWW. Stated Parliament had the right to legislate for the colonies in all cases

XXX. Enlarged boundaries to Ohio River and gave other privileges

YYY. Appointed to command the colonial army

ZZZ. King George's rejection of the Olive Branch Petition

AAAA. In response to a riot in Boston after seizure of John Hancock's vessel

BBBB. Established to demonstrate patiotism and raise money 

CCCC. The King accepted his resignation and ordered peace be made with the Americans

DDDD. Nathanael Greene pursued Cornwallis and fought at one of the war's bloodiest battles

EEEE. First U.S. Constitution ratified

FFFF. Organized boycott of British manufactured goods

GGGG. Threatened by unhappy young officers who feared they would get no pay

HHHH. Punishment for not complying with the Quartering Act

IIII. Unsuccessful American attack that was an attempt to win Canada to the Whig side

JJJJ. Responsible for extralegal actions in the Carolinas

KKKK. Locations of Loyalist defeats

LLLL. British cleared American soldiers from New York City and the American cause seemed lost
MMMM. Delegates from nine colonies met in New York and adopted the Declaration of Rights and Grievances

NNNN. Became America's most helpful European ally in the war

OOOO. Artist who also witnessed Battle of Bunker Hill

PPPP. African-American reported to have killed Major Pitcairn