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The levels of the Saiyajin

Here I will explain to you the stages of the Saiyajin. The first stage is the primary stage that all Saiyajin are born into. They almost all have black hair. Trunks is the only saiyajin in Dragonball Z that does not have black hair. This is because he is a cross bred between Vegeta and Bulma. The power level of an adult saiyajin on an average is about 1000. The elite range from about 5000 to 20,000. The highest power level a saiyajin obtained was about 500,000 in the primary stage. This was Vegeta. The next stage a saiyajin can attain is called Super Saiyajin. This stage changes the person’s physical appearance as well as their strength and speed. The most dominant features of a Super Saiyajin are golden color hair and green eyes. They have a tremendous boost in strength and speed. What I think is the coolest about this form is the golden aura that surrounds the saiyajin. The first person the ever achieve this stage was Goku while he was fighting Freezer. The change into the Super saiyajin form is usually triggered by a deep emotion like rage or desire. Goku was able to transform into this form because he saw the death of his friend Kryllin right before his eyes. Vegeta was able to transform because he sought to excel Goku so bad and could not do it. One day he became so angry at himself that he turned super saiyajin. Gohan achieved this stage by his desire to defeat Cell by training in the Room of Space and Time. The next level of being that the saiyajin can achieve is called super saiyajin 2. This form is an advancement of the first super saiyajin stage. Their power increases but their speed remains the same. The first person ever to attain this stage is Gohan. I hate it when people say that Vegeta was the first one to enter it because he was NOT! It is true that Vegeta did get more powerful while training but did not ever enter super saiyajin 2 stage. Vegeta only attained super saiyajin 2 when he received the power up from Babi-Di during the Buu saga. The next level is super saiyajin 3. There are only two people that achieved this during Dragonball Z. These two were Vegeta and Goku. There is not really much two say about it except that the hair grows out super long and they get a LOT more powerful. Also when the saiyajin transforms into Ozaruu form during super saiyajin 3 mode…the monkey is has golden hair. The last level for a saiyajin is super saiyajin 4 mode. Vegeta and Goku achieved this during Dragonball GT. Their hair turns dark again and their tale grows out. They have red hair on their chest and well….that’s pretty much it.