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The Grandbabies: "Brittany and BoJoy"

We lost our BoJoy today (10/14/00). This afternoon, as I was explaining to my four year old daughter, Brittany, what happened to her faithful and beloved friend, she pointed to the sky and tearfully exclaimed, "Look Mom, look at the beautiful rainbow! That one's for my Joy." Tears came to my eyes as I followed the direction of her little finger. And yes, there in the sky above us was the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen. I knew in an instant it was our Joy saying goodbye. Under my breath I whispered, "Thank you, Joy," and to my daughter I said, "Yes, Brittany, that one's for your Joy."

We live on a farm in South Texas. "We" are 7 Irish Setters, 5 Cocker Spaniels, 2 Weimaraners, and 6 cats. Swimming and exploring are our favorite pastimes. So please be sure to come romp with us on our "Wet and Wild" page before leaving our site.


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