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Training Tips

These are some general tips that I have for training your Dachshund. However, I am not, by any means, a professional trainer. I've read a few books and trained my dog, but that is as far as my expertise goes. Lucy, however, is very well behaved, knows many commands, and is housebroken. These tips certainly do not work for every dog.

Housebreaking your dog When housebreaking a dog, I recommend a crate of some type. This way, you can crate the dog when you are not able to watch him/her completely. Any accident in the house will warrant many more in the future. Dogs naturally avoid soiling their beds and will try to refrain from soiling the crate. Some experts say the crate needs to only be big enough for the dog to turn around in, so the dog will not be able to soil one side of the crate and rest in the other. I don't think it needs to be that small. The dog will not want to be anywhere near his/her "mess." Lucy's crate is large enough for her to move around plenty in. Do not ever leave a puppy in a crate for a long period of time. This defeats the purpose of the crate, because the dog will have to soil the crate and no longer try to hold it in regularly. Take the dog out regularly and praise the dog and give her a treat when she relieves herself outside. If the dog "goes" indoors, do not rub his/her nose in it or hit the dog. If you catch her in the act, scold her, and take her outside quickly. If you do not find the "mess" until later, there is no use scolding the dog because she will not understand what she is being punished for.

Commands I think that all dog should at least know how to sit, stay, and lie down on command. I recommend having at least three "training sessions" a week. Each session should not last more than 15 minutes as the dog will become bored and annoyed. Dachshunds can be very stubborn and will often not do the command unless he/she sees that you have a treat. Start off by giving the dog a small treat every time he/she successfully completes the command, and slowly start using less and less treats until the dog will respond with only praise. Never scold the dog if she will not complete the command. Start the training sessions in distraction free areas, and then move them outside where there could be distractions.

It will definately take time and patience to train your dog, but if you are regular in your trainings and praise the dog, she should learn quickly. Remember to reinforce commands by doing them often, and occasionally giving a treat when he/she properly executes the command. Good Luck!

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